Draenei Heritage Quest

Wowhead has an article on the quest chain.


I’ve been playing draenei, this warrior since TBC. To see the level of depth and care in their heritage quest floored me.

A glimpse into current Outland, a pledge of a united future for the Eredar and even a new home. Almost had a tear from me.

And now I have two draenei themed hearthstones. They even made it so LFDraenei can use the Draenei heritage hearth. I’m amazed.


also to anyone who wants to experience the quest but doesn’t have a Draenei - you can do the heritage quests on a class trial character


I don’t remember where it was said specifically, but I’m pretty sure that they mentioned that the reason they were taken by surprise so badly on Draenor was that they were there the longest of all the worlds that they settled on and they got comfortable. They were only on Draenor for about 200 years, I believe, so that means that there was a lot of time between running from Argus and ending up on Azeroth, either on the ship or on another planet.

In my RP on this character and generally among the Draenei players I know, it’s generally accepted headcanon that the Draenei settled a bunch of worlds for little flashes of time before the Legion caught up with them again, which can lead to some cool/funny/sad story beats.

“Do you remember the world that was all shrimp? And then the world that had no shrimp at all. I thought that I preferred the one without shrimp, but then I remembered that it had the carnivorous, psychic plants…perhaps the one that was only shrimp was better.”


Draenei were very advanced while on Argus, so there’s no telling. But my assumption was that the colony worlds were established while on the run from the Legion and I think that is the general implication.

They were taken by surprise because the Legion’s usual MO was to just straight up to invade the planets they were on. Velen didnt anticipate Kil’jaeden using one of the native races (orcs) to fuel his vendetta against them. It also didn’t help that the crash had negatively impacted his visions, so he couldn’t have a warning that way either.


Its been years since I brushed up on Draenei lore, but in their exodus across the stars they’ve settled several worlds and they would flee instead of fight at the first sight of the Legion. The Draenei colonized worlds and some died there, but most simply left and settled on another world. I remember maybe in WoD they mentioned this that when Oshu’gun crashed on Draenor that they couldn’t flee anymore and figured this would be the last world they could colonize as they couldn’t leave. Man, I wish I remember the quest lines, but I’m certain, I’ve read and heard Draenei make comments of the many worlds they’ve visited. The implication of course they colonized. Even the Priest Legion Hall is a former settlement of the Draenei repurposed. I suspect many more exist in the Great Dark. Not to mention the comments of the Rogue trainers in Exodar.

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I think Blizzard is going back on the idea in Legion that Azeroth is the last world. Maybe the last world with the capability of standing up to the Legion, but not the last world.

Maybe the devs are realizing we cannot keep bringing out new and undiscovered islands. That’s my hope, anyway. They will probably pull this trick once more with whatever is across the storming sea, like Avaloren, which has been speculated on by loretubers. But I think we might see an arc in WoW where we start visiting other worlds, which I think is for the best. Let’s see some new, interesting ideas, characters, and storylines in wildly different places. It just needs to have the Warcraft feel. I’m eager to see K’aresh.

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We saw in Argus those portal worlds that the Legion was concurrently invading along with Azeroth. I doubt that all the worlds have been consumed by the fel flame. Many must stand along Azeroth, but only Azeroth has the strength to shine and stand on its own. The last Titan if you will. The last bastion of resistance against the encroaching darkness.

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My personal headcannon is when blizz said Azeroth is the last planet, like you just said, I think they really meant Azeroth is the last planet with an active world soul. And it just happens to be an extremely powerful one.

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So when I went through the quest on my paladin “Artificer” was a choice for my memory stone. I have engineering on that character, curious if it’s available to everyone, or just engineers.

It’s available to everyone.
I didn’t have engineering and still had it.


It was available on my priest which has tailoring/enchanting. Along with Anchorite and Soulpriest.

My shaman has JC but that very much falls in the realm of Artificer.


I was able to pick Soulpriest and Artificer on an Eredar Warlock that I have barely played, outside of this season. No professions or anything. So I’m pretty sure those are just things you can choose if you want to.

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Interesting that Soulpriest is available for warlock. It was not available on my shaman. Shaman just had Farseer and Artificer.

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I think because you conducted the duties of a Soulpriest you earned the title the ability to place that as an honorary sort of thing. They did place a lot more emphasis on the Auchenai than I was expecting.

I didn’t have Soulpriest as an option for my paladin, just Vindicator, and the standard class title, etc.

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It’s me Karestae. Just wanted to show off my Man’ari in the heritage armor. I actually love the set. It’s nicer than I thought


Maybe it’s available to any cloth wearer then?

It wouldn’t work in the subsequent story anyway. If the Legion had destroyed all of the other worlds, then there wouldn’t have been enough worlds full of mortals living and dying to provide so many souls to flow through Oribos and into the Maw during Shadowlands.

The Legion succeeding to such a degree would have effectively starved the Shadowlands - including Zovaal and the Maw - of souls and anima. That didn’t happen, so clearly enough mortal worlds still exist to keep providing enough souls that it mattered that they were being diverted, and that replacing the Arbiter actually fixed the problem.