Draenei Heritage Quest

I am always happy to see more Auchenai. I’m so glad that they are back and an active part of Draenei society again.

I have a Draenei shadow priest that I played as Auchenai. It’s a bit harder to do that nowadays with shadow priests being all void insanity stuff.


I was happy to see blizz remembered the Ragnari and Naielle. It was soo good to see them active again, they haven’t been around or mentioned since BC. The MU version anyway


I inferred from her statement and Velen’s that the new city will be built on the Azuremyst Isles. Now that Bloodmyst has been cleansed they can rebuild the area. Also did you notice the Draenei settlers? Where they coming from? Outland? Other worlds. Seems like they’re pouring in from everywhere.


This quest also confirmed that they did have other colonies on other planets. That was something that was always speculated upon but we had nothing on it. Ataanya mentions her mother died on one. So if we go to another world, we might find Draenei there. That’s an interesting implication.


I also really liked that the Argus animals were there as well. The marsuuls, pantharas, mana rays, and talbuks.

Even the nice NPC that would let a marsuul ride on your shoulder if you asked. Unfortunately he seems to despawn once the quest is over.


Ran through the quest again on my priest and having both Anchorite and Soulpriest as title options was really nice,

I hope one day we get all these titles as actual player titles. Anchorite, Soulpriest, Artificer, Vindicator, Augari, Rangari, etc.


It’s on the ground, outside the faction embassy building in Stormwind.

There’s even more alternate dialogue - because I’d done the Auchenai Crypts quest all the way back in BC, the one that allowed me to “forever see the spirits of the dead” around Auchindoun, it was specifically referenced in the new dialogue that I wouldn’t have to do anything special again to see the new spirits.

Also, Velen said I was specifically picked to hold the memory crystals because I’d been there at the moment of the Legion’s defeat (because I cleared Antorus?) and I’m wondering if that is another alternate dialogue option.

It’s clear that an insane amount of love and care went into this questline, and it was a great day to be a draenei main.


They’re quickly becoming my favourite WoW writer


My guess is we’ll get New Shattrath and unified Silvermoon sometime in the coming expansions with the world revamps, that’ll have those cities in the main game server rather than the TBC servers where the cities currently are XD

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This was my favorite part. I was FANGIRLING.

This was a DEEP CUT. Amaan the Younger and Valwar only appear in a comic. And yes that is freakin’ CORKI and his long-suffering dad on the left :laughing:

Eranthi is one of Arzaal’s disciples, Arzaal is the leader of the “Penitent” (ex Man’ari). Here we see her teaching a class on demon knowledge!

This is the half-Orc (it doesn’t say what the other half is…Draenei? Ogre?) raised with Draenei mentioned in a previous post. I couldn’t find any mention of him in the game or extended media.

Ayyyyyyy, Mists of Pandaria nostalgia!

These guys! They hang out on the ship to the Dragon Isles, and have really funny dialogue text if you talk to them there. I was a little sad to see that you couldn’t talk to them to continue the banter here.


One thing that I noted was that at one point they say that they’re starting the long process of digging up the remains in the Path of Glory and putting the spirits there to rest…buuuuuuuuut I thought that the souls of the Draenei in the Path were consumed in making the Dark Portal? Or at least that’s what the movie implied, granted the movie is of questionable canonicity. Maybe it was just their life force that was consumed, but I always thought it was their souls.

Unrelated to this chain, I also did the Dark Heart quest chain and saw something really interesting there…

These guys appear to be Broken/Krokul/Severed Draenei, but void afflicted. I don’t know if they just used the male Draenei model, but they sure LOOK like a Draenei at a midway point transforming due to being severed and afflicted. It’s not super obvious from this angle, but they do have hooves that are cracking with Void energy


Countdown to them getting sacked for being “redundant” despite making some of the best quests in DF. Blizzard consistently sacks its best talent and churns more meat into the slop grinder.



I’m relatively certain that there are some draenei ghosts that will spawn on the path, but it’s been a while since I’ve been around there.


also even if there’s not ghost most would want to give the remains a respectful removal of some sort anyway cause… well you know


I think they’re more echos than anything, or rather fragments of the soul that weren’t completely consumed. It’s why the Auchenai want to put the souls to rest on the Path. There’s a lot of trauma on that road to this day and it’s a extremely sad spot for the Draenei


Amazing questline! One of the best thus far. A couple of things did stick out to me though. First was the designer of the city blueprints stated that this will make the Vindicaar be like a childs toy in comparison. I wonder in what ways this city will make that seem like a childs toy.
The second thing I noticed was something that the engineer you’re trying to get to go to the event says. She says that her mother died on a colony world. Did the Draenei colonize or attempt to colonize other worlds before the arrival of Sargeras?


Yes! These are Voidlost Krokul from Argus. If you are familiar with the Argus campaign, they show up amongst the Shadowguard forces that were present in Eredath (Formerly Mac’aree) There’s also a lot of Voidlost in the Ruins of Oronaar from L’ura’s darkening as well.

Love your post! There’s a few here that I missed! Will be doing it again on my Priest! :slight_smile:

I believe there’s also a quest in Honor Hold that asks us to go cleanse some of the bones in the Path of Glory. I’ll have to go back and read the details, I’m unsure if it mentions further information on it. I’m glad they acknowledged The Path of Glory and it wasn’t just a forgotten footnote.

We have prior lore that does mention that the Draenei stopped on multiple worlds while fleeing Argus and Kil’jaeden (after Sargeras arrived) but this is the first (I think?) that an actual colony has been mentioned. I know T’uure, the Holy Priest artifact talks about some of it but it reads at ‘brief stops’. I took this line as an implication that there could be Draenei on other planets which is neat!


There were several worlds the Draenei inhabited between Argus and Draenor. But Blizzard never bothered to develop them beyond “…and then the Burning Legion found them again, and they were forced to flee until they found…”


This questline felt like the equal equivalent to the orc’s Kosh’arg heritage questline. Not only did it bring back a lot of old faces but also gave the orcs a potential future in bringing life to Durotar. The draenei got the exact same treatment with them finally doing away with the dumb space ship city and slumming it in the wilderness and building some of the gorgeous Draenei architecture we saw in WoD.

Really all of this makes me want the world revamp to come sooner. Blizzard has been teasing it for some time now and makes me all the more giddy to see Azeroth be reborn after being demolished by the Cataclysm. Honestly Blizzard found a winning formula with the heritage questlines, just throw a big party and invite all the characters of that race.

Hopefully the Pandaren get something akin to this and the orc questline seeing as they’re the last one at this point.