Draenei Heritage Quest

She’s talking about one of the many planets the Draenei went to during the Exile prior to crash landing on Draenor.


While on the run, the Draenei settled on a number of worlds, which all inevitably burnt because Kil’jaden is such a Yandere for Velen that he chased him across the universe. Draenor was by far the longest stay as far as we know, most worlds never got past a simple colony.


I loved how they mentioned that the artificer from Outland had her mom died on one of the planets they resided on for a time before they had to flee due to the Legion. Another hint was the Draenei rogues who are space pirates and recently docked on Azeroth and that’s why we have Draenei rogues. Basically they’re space runners for the Draenei. I’d love to know more about these off worlds that they travel to and from.

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WELL, I figured that was likely. I guess I’m pretty rusty on my Draenei lore… :sob:


The memory stones are actual proof that someone at Blizzard knows how to write. I was really touched by some of them, particularly Velen’s.

The armor is what it is but the questline itself is easily one of my favorite I’ve seen in WoW since Legion.


I’m not sure colony is the right word. I know it’s what the dialogue used, but as far as I know the Draenei didn’t actually have colonies.

I think it’s less like if humans colonized Mars and more like if humans were forced to leave Earth behind entirely and found refuge on Mars.

Unless they’re setting up new lore where the Draenei colonized worlds beyond the ones they found refuge on.

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The old lore back in BC they mentioned colony worlds. Each time they established a colony those would be attacked when Kil’jaeden discovered them and they would escape to the next world. Some of the colonies survived though because the Space pirates mention traversing the stars. So unassumingly some outposts survived like the Legion order hall which was repurposed in Legion.

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Yeah, I know they had been on many worlds, but I think there’s a difference between having to settle somewhere as refugees and making a colony. Being able to make colonies would mean at some point they had resources and population to settle multiple worlds at once, which would be an interesting development in the story.

Splitting off from Velen honestly would not be a bad move, given Kil’jaden was more fixated on Velen than the Draenei as a whole.


Oh my god, I just finished the heritage quest, and it is every bit as amazing as everyone here has said. It was truly a love letter to draenei players. It made me fall in love with them all over again.

But more importantly! While looking around at the who’s who of draenei present I found in the very back I found an Eredar who seems to be teaching a group of draenei who are all named after previous host of the Dax’s symbiote from DS9! I named most of my characters after previous Dax’s! Have these guys always been in the game? Why has no one told me about them before!?


Can we talk about the new city they’re building?

High Artificer Ataanya talks about rebuilding Shattrath, but the ceremony is held at the Exodar. They also mention rebuilding Auchindoun.

Are the Draenei rebuilding Outland and the designs are for New Shattrath to replace Shattrath, or are the Draenei building their new city to replace the Exodar on Azuremyst?

It’s kind of vague. I’m under the assumption New Shattrath is Shattrath being rebuilt, but open to both.


I don’t have a Draenei so thank you for providing a summary of what happened.


I think they mean they plan on building a New Shattrath on Azeroth and the Exodar will be Heart of it, with the rest of the city expanding outwards.

As far as I could from the hologram anyway


There will probably be some rebuilding on Outland but how much is anyones guess. Blizzard can’t seem to decide if Outland is “stable” or if it’s continuing to break up and die. We got the latter impression during BfA, but now the plan is to touch up Shattrath? Let alone Auchindoun which is pretty close to one those “crumbling” edges.

But I would assume the new city will probably be built on Azeroth. There’s been a few story beats now that have reinforced that the draenei see their settling here as permanent. And destroying all the fel corruptor thingies in Bloodmyst should make that area quite livable now.

Considering they just cleaned bloodmyst, for good it seems now, it might be a good place to build.

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Yeah, Velen does say We’ll build a new city from our exile ….we’re finally home


This is what I think they’re probably going to do.

If we’re getting a revamped EK in Midnight, can probably bet on getting a revamped Kalimdor at some point.

Only thing that would lead me to believe they don’t build it on Azeroth is purely by the fact that it’s completely unattached to mainland Kalimdor and they’d need to justify why you’d actually need to visit.

If what people are predicting comes true and we do eventually see a ‘return to Outland’, it’ll probably be a rebuilt Shattrath on Outland.

Honestly hoping they kinda do that, I want to see more progression going on with Outland. It was really nice to see the narrative progression they gave it in the Draenei questline, which was kinda unexpected imo.

Time will tell, but it’s probably gonna be on Azeroth.

Didn’t he say the ‘ashes of our exile’?
Which is pretty vague and could refer to either.

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Yeah, you’re right. It was was exile. I do wonder if we’ll ever actually see a new draenei city in game. It is possible it might come in Midnight, if blizz is indeed updating that part of the world

Hope so someday


If they are talking about building on the azuremyst or bloodmyst, it would be the second big foreshadowing to Kalimdor revamp this expac, the first being Tyrande saying the same about Teldrassil.

It feels too convenient.

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What I’m curious about is, there was hints dropped of Auchidon being rebuilt. I assume if all Eredar are going to be congregating in their new city eventually, a new Auchidon might be built on Azeroth and we’ll finally see some Auchenai active in the story