Draenei Heritage Quest

Hang on, I missed Jadaar and Asric in there?! Where are they? I HAVE ANOTHER DRAENEI I CAN GO AGAIN


I will say, as someone who mostly talks about Blizzards mistakes, failures, or whatever else I find disagreeable or low quality that they do. I can honestly state that the Draenei heritage quest is on par, if not better, than the Orc one. It was perfect. It felt like a celebration and a moving forward point. It felt like the complete opposite of the Night Elf and Human heritage quests where it was just retreading old ground, and poorly.

Itā€™s even more the exact opposite of the Night elf heritage quest because even though that one was the literal worst thing Iā€™ve ever experienced in this game, but the armor was gorgeous. The draenei heritage quest was probably the best quest story Iā€™ve ever seen, but the armor looks like TBC greys. Seriously couldnā€™t make horn holes for the only race that will wear the armoā€¦and has horns? Just had to cut off the horns out of laziness?

TLDR: Heritage quest 11/10. Heritage armor -10/100


The quest was basically everything I could have hoped for. A lot of Artificer stuff with a new Artificer character, the Auchenai being back, the rangari being back with Naielle, the proper full unification of the various Krokul groups with the Draenei, a new council being formed with Hatuun possibly being on it, lots of returning characters from Outland and around the Azuremyst Isles, A NEW CITY being planned and developed.

Honestly donā€™t think I could ask for anything more from the quest. It was far and away the best heritage quest.

Playable Artificer class when? Romuul talked about needing an apprentice. LET ME DO IT.

Edit: Also really glad there wasnā€™t that much Light related stuff. The Draenei have so many interesting aspects to their culture that make them unique from other races and Iā€™m really glad those got to be showcased. Weā€™ve seen the Draenei do Light stuff a lot, but seeing the Auchenai back in action and Artificers being hugely important to Draenei society was great. 10/10

Second Edit: Iā€™m still curious why it is that Draenei souls seemingly donā€™t go to the Shadowlands. I thought it was the Auchenai that did it, but it seems even when the Auchenai were inactive the souls of people like Larohir, Hataaru, and Restalaan remained tried to the mortal world rather than moving on. The Auchenai also state they have plans to recover the souls from the Path of Glory implying those souls also did not go to the Shadowlands.


There is no proof that draenei souls dont go to the shadowlands.

But they never did explain how ghosts work properly, how long they can linger in the mortal plane or how easy it was for a soul to leave the Shadowlands to return as a ghost to provide guidance or whatever.

Itā€™s Blizzards equivalent of ā€œitā€™s Chim, I aint gotta explain crapā€.


I have a question for draenei veterans, the exarch that helps us with soothing the dead, is he also dead and on the job or wad that a projection?

The effect seemed like he is just a ghost still on the job, but i didnt want to get to conclusions.

I guess itā€™s just, why would the Draenei need a whole priesthood and temple dedicated specifically to taking care of the souls of the dead if they passed on to the Shadowlands?

The way it was shown to us in Shadowlands was person dies, kyrian shows up, takes them to the Shadowlands, and yeets them at the Arbiter.

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He is dead. We killed him in BC. If you have done the dungeon or quest to kill him he will even thank you for killing him because he had gone mad with grief and was uncontrollable.


Thanks, just confirming, he also appears in alt draenor right? His past version.

Yeah, his past version is still alive as far as we know. His adoptive daughter is unaccounted for in the MU, but is possibly the reason he went so crazy.

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So as shown the people who suffers traumatic deaths tended to linger and the Auchenai are suppose to help them move on. Presumably once they move on they go to the Shadowlands.

Hataaru and Maladaar were completely at peace with their deaths and were still just hanging around.


Maladaar seemed like he was still trying to complete his duty to try and save as many souls as possible. Once that is done he will probably leave. As for Hataara, it feels like he was just temporarily there and left again once we got the item. Even Shadowlands mentions there are ways for Spirits to traverse SL, unexplained ways like how Cairne apparently is waiting for his son before he crosses over.

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And not just hanging around either. It comes across like Maladaar is basically still treated and functioning as the active Exarch of the Auchenai Soulpriests despite being dead.


Well, we know that to go to the shadowlands, Kyrian have to manually get to the corpse and drag the soul. So maybe draenei souls are like: thank you but we stay here.


Technically the reason souls stuck around on Draenor/Outland was due to the presence of three darkened naaru anchoring them there and drawing them toward Oshuā€™gun, Auchindoun and the burial grounds in Shadowmoon Valley.

Orcish and draenei souls, that is. We never really got an explanation for why ogre and arakkoa souls had a habit of also lingering, but just stuck around their own settlements instead of being drawn toward the nearest void-shifting naaru.

That said, despite the condescension of the narrator who spoke of it, the Shadowlands Grimoire seemed to have a bit of an undercurrent suggesting that the Brokers donā€™t really know as much as they think they know about how Death works. Even whenever the natives of the Eternal Onesā€™ realms said something that started to contradict the narratorā€™s preconceptions and assumptions, heā€™d just handwave it as a mistake or misunderstanding rather than entertain the possibility that maybe heā€™s the one who doesnā€™t know the whole story.

I also liked that there are different types of Artificers with Romuul being a weapon designer and Ataanya being a civil engineer. It feels more like a proper society when itā€™s not just 1 guy building the Vindicaar and then also building the new city.


I always saw that as the point. That as much as he mocked others beliefs(like the one who showed him the Chronicles cosmology chart) he was also blind to his own preconceived notions and biases.

It also builds upon the idea that the eredar mastery of magic on Argus wasnā€™t the same thing as we see with the magically inclined races of Azeroth or Draenor. Rather than building civilizations around a cabal of royal and noble spellcasters doling out the benefits of magic to everyone, the broader applications of the arcane in eredar society seems to have been more about the magitech, so citizens who wouldnā€™t necessarily know the first thing about enchantments, scrying, conjuring or incantations could still learn to use magic for their benefit and the betterment of others through the application of artifice and engineering.

Sure, the eredar had their mage-oriented entities like the Wakeners and Augari exploring the more anachronistic mysteries of the arcane, but those donā€™t really seem to reflect how most of the population understood and used magic in their daily lives.

Kind of fits why Sargeras picked them. The eredar had mastered magic in a way that allowed them to teach anyone to use it effectively, meaning they could do the same for his army of demons.


They still got their mages in there at the end. Bunch of Augari NPCs wandering about. Didnā€™t do anything in the actual quest though. Thatā€™s fine though, as much as I like mages and arcane magic itā€™s much nicer for Draenei to have a unique approach to the arcane than to just be another mage focused race.

Draenei can be the best at Artificer-y without stepping on anyone elseā€™s toes the same way humans, blood elves, nightborne, etc. constantly stomp on each otherā€™s toes in the mage world.

I liked being able to pick the Artificer title as an option, just wish it was permanent. Same with the other class titles like Vindicator. Though shaman just got Farseer which is already a title.


I know itā€™s been bought up already and itā€™s such a small thing, but during the stones quest and casting your guilt/worries into the flame, the option I regret what I did while in the legion went such a long way to acknowledging the Manā€™ari skin as cannon and validating RPers like me who RP one.

There were other small moments like that where the questlines acknowledges the Manā€™ari, but it felt really nice to see blizz not forgetting about the customization and reinforcing its cannonicty.