Draenei Heritage Quest

This was a problem that I was just about to edit in, that I completely forgot to include because I think they did such a good job on everything else that I can overlook that speedbump.

On my server, people were tagging mobs with autoattacks and tiny little barely damaging attacks and waiting for the rest of the people to come by, in very Draenei-like fashion. So honestly, even as bad as that was, the community lightened it up.


I did like Romuls quip about the generator though Please tell me there’s a good reason the generator is offline…wait no, I don’t wanna know

And Atanayna is like Is there ever a good reason a generator is offline?

Small things like that made me smile and chuckle, because the heritage quest tackled some lore heavy stuff for all the Eredar and threw funny little quips in to lighten the mood.

Overall? 20/10 :dracthyr_nod:


Overall, really enjoyed it aside from the one quest.
The ending was really nice and sweet.


Certaintly blows every other heritage quest out of the water. But as a long time Draenei fan and RPer, I may be a bit biased :dracthyr_nod:


Genuinely excellent work on the quest. Similar bones to the Orc one but it felt even more personal and consequential.


Ya this is the new gold standard for heritage quests…not that there’s any more races besides Pandaren that still need one.

Like every single draenei or draenei-adjecent npcs, from some of the most obscure quests you could think of made a cameo in this, even a Lost One from vanilla Blasted Lands

And the big thing being that they are planning to construct a new city, one so grand it will be even greater than Shattrath in its prime, that will be home not just to Draenei but all Eredar.

now THAT Im excited to see. A proper full city using updated Draenei architecture will be awesome


I like that its a good quest, Nobunodo is like the only character i like on the alliance so cool to see the draenei get good content


It was incredible. Went above and beyond my expectations.


Pandaren and Dracthyr.


This might be because I’m a christian, but this tishamaat holiday made me think of the israelites of the old testament and the passover that was a celebration after fleeing from egypt.

Then, it hit me, their capital is named exodar and i never noticed how that name sounds.


This definitely felt way more concrete and more of a promise than Durotar being returned to a jungle. That felt more like a vague, “Maybe we’ll get to it sometime idk”. But this felt like maybe within the Worldsoul Saga we could see a new Draenei city. I wonder where they’re going to put it?

Draenei do seem to have influences of the romani and israelite diaspora, yeah.


At the last part of the questline running around talking to people. But some interesting things I enjoyed.

The Draenei appear to not be abandoning Outland and Ataanya even plans to rebuild Shattrath. Neat.

Apparently the draenei term for draenei/orc hybrids is oshu’nei, which is also neat.

It was really interesting to see Terokkar mentioned. Since WoD I would have expected them to call it Telador. Which feeds more into what I was hoping for with this questline, renewed acknowledgement of what we learned from Outland instead of Alt-Draenor.


The Rangari has finally made an appearance outside of Alt Draenor. Unless they did prior and I missed it.

I’m still huffing copium that this will at least open the door to Broken draenei race but we’ll see.

Grand Lector Enaara is still my favorite priest.


My expectations were incredibly low.

Good questline, got nice bits of Draenei lore, Outland lore, and some development on long forgotten characters like Kum’isha.

All I could’ve really hoped for, tbh.

This was a surprise to me because I 100% expected them to do this.
Glad they didn’t.

Also like the developments we got on Auchindoun and now we have a term for Half-Draenei, which is neat.

I was really pleased at how well done it was, made me lament at what the Kaldorei one could of been. Alas.

Also I am really jealous the Draenei got such a cool hearthstone toy.


Of all the heritage quests i played (human, nelf, dwarven, worgen and now draenei), this might be the best one.

Second best if you consider the night elf exclusive bit at the end of amirdrassil that gives the second tint as heritagr quest.

I think I also did the tauren one at one point, but i have no recollection of that.

I have to agree, I found the troll one to be anticlimactic by comparison. Although… you say there are some specific things for man’ari skinned folks? Hmm! I may have to redo it on this gent. (I did it on my Sha’tari peacekeeper shaman character, heh.)

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It was certain fun and maybe signs of things to come and everything the heritage questline should be. It had the the entire Eredar people come together and now it does seem like the race name will start to be in use again to refer to the “species” but the draenei name still remaining relevant.

We also saw how the more maligned portions of the draenei now getting their place back like Death knights, Argus/Draenor Broken and the Penitents(we even see one teaching a new generation of what I can only expect to be new warlocks)

Side note, we even saw Asric, so yeah, the faction barriers, whether people like it or not, is slowly crumbling.

I am also glad they gave us a new hearthstone. I was thinking all thorough the quest “gee, I wish this would become an actual toy” and voila we got it.


The Tauren one was basically the forward for an abandoned Shaowlands arc for Bane. So you are not missing much to forget it.


My man’ari is still level 11, but I want to do it on him as well now knowing this.

I will spoil just in case you guys want to discover it for yourselves. Maybe you will find some things I missed.

Arzaal will comment that you are a fellow penitent when you speak to him. At the end when you cast your stone into the fire, you can put “For things I did as a part of the Legion” on your stone. Funnily enough, Akama comments on the penitents as well but he says to watch them closely even if you speak to him as one, minor mistake.