Draenei getting Eredar skins... why can't Blood Elves get

I mean technically Man’ari were introduced since WC3.

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my brother in the light:

you guys already are alucard. with red eyes and all.

Absolute nonsense.

It’s called game development for a live-service game. If you can’t find ways to cater to the needs and desires of different elements of your player-base, a player-base that you fostered by getting them attached to the world and their own characters, then you’re failing at your job.

Of course, this particular case isn’t such a big deal, but to act like this company doesn’t have the resources to add a new customization option is absurd. Even if it can’t be done overnight, it’s ridiculous to act like Blizzard just can’t do this.

This sentiment was already lambasted years ago, when Blizzard said the whole “that would cost us a raid-tier” argument, and its a sentiment thats been mercilessly thrashed into the ground. It’s the mindset of a developer on the decline, that can’t cater to its own playerbase in more than one way at a time.

In the business world, I believe this is called a lack of “agility”.

That is….not at all the emphasis of what was said.

It’s always been because the main representation of them (the blood elves) is already playable, and adding a vanilla theme of just high elves for high elves sake would give nothing to the game and take from the blood elf theme.

“But I see them on the Alliance!” - yes, repeatedly representing the story of a renegade group to the blood elves. That’s it. They’re part of the same idea.

Case closed already.

(Besides Void elves have now inherited that gimmick so highly unlikely you’ll ever see any major vanilla high elf movements again)

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the way i see it cutting out borrowed power freed up a lot of manpower (don’t have to bother with making new buttons/gameplay features, don’t have to balance those features, don’t have to create new art assets and animations, etc). they’ve seen how being able to customize your character more gets players more invested like in other games so i figure they’re pouring in a bit of resources into all that now

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Bro, I see your point, but counter-point:

Void Elves.

Every argument you can make against adding High Elves has already come to pass by adding Void Elves. I would argue it hurt the Blood Elf identity much, much more than playable high elves ever would.

So why are we getting Nelf heritage armor in the upcoming patch and not 4 years ago?

  1. I literally said I don’t expect it to happen overnight, so your response is nonsense

  2. If anything, all you’ve done is draw attention to modern Blizzard’s incompetence. You have not made an argument for why a functional company can’t do these things.

So, as usual, the issue isn’t what certain players want being unrealistic. The issue is Blizzard.

Ya’ll talking about skins for races that are already playable and I’m looking around like “where ogre?”


try taking it up with the devs on the community council forum :^)

4 years = overnight

We’re talking about blizzard. Otherwise what is your argument? “If money then possible.” Yeah, what a bold statement.

At Blizzard, development of one thing means a lack of development in everything else.

You’re using ridiculous semantics to reduce my point to whatever is convenient for you. It’s not subtle, and you’re not as smart as you think.

That Blizzard improves so they can cater to more elements of their playerbase, and provide a richer experience for everyone.

Because blood elves arent san’layns. Blood elves already got yellow eyes and blue eyes and every other color eyes and jewelry, why cant you happy? Its always more more more with the horde/blood elves in general.

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Ogre might never happen…

Mok’Nathal on the other hand…

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Sorry to say this but outside of the nightborne the elves don’t need anything further for a while…you guys got tons of options as is. Where as male pandas can’t have tails and the worgen got only like five options for our worgen forms compared to elves and humans having at least two pages. I say till they quit the favortism and let worgen and other races catch up BE, VE, and NE alongside humans should get nothing further. Giving tons of options to one group of races and leaving the rest starved for options isn’t fair in the slightest. If the drought of options for us less fortunate races goes on too long it may turn into us demanding all but nightborne be culled and nobody would enjoy that.


No. I want to look like the WC2 High Elves! If Blizzard refuses to give us High Elves then they should at least do this.


That’s awesome. It has nothing to do with the conversation you walked in on.

i mean, you can look like one, the only thing void elves need are THE BELFS FREAKING HAIRSTYLES! even easier.

That’s a Void Elf, and not a San’layn.

We don’t have the WC2 outfit, bow, and quivers.

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