Draenei getting Eredar skins... why can't Blood Elves get

The problem is the Blood Elves get a ton of stuff. You just got your own questline for a Paladin set and something else, a weapon maybe? Either way I think the DID also got a quest line, and it was like 1/10th of what the Belfs got.

The Draenei have almost nothing. They look terrible, and now they finally get this and you’re in here crying poverty.


What about the nightborne and the Felborne?. We’ve had access to warlocks for ages yet that option it’s not there.

No, it’s bringing a long overdue resolution to a race’s overarching storyline. Your race not being involved isn’t a cosmic injustice.

Why, yes it is, buttercup. In this case, the draenei are being written to reunite with their misguided kin because the latter has no real leaders left and Velen learned to forgive because it’s better than the race staying divided for another 10,000 years.

It’s idiotic to think that the draenei getting a new plotline and customization options entitles any other race to get the exact same thing, or that the felblood are anywhere near as important as the eredar, a race that’s been present since WCIII and whose major characters can be counted on more than one hand.

I don’t give two craps about Hearthstone’s canon. Bringing up that game’s canon in relation to WoW’s basically means that you have no real argument.

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That would be fun!
Maybe there could be a fel-themed mini-patch that ties them all together, like a .5 or .7 patch.

Nobody’s asking them to not want more.
I see no harm in asking. Are you the rich police or what?

That’s not a problem. You apparently got problems though regarding BE’s.

And how does a Paladin set and weapon tie in to San’layn?
It doesn’t… so it’s irrelevant from that point of view.

The undead pale skin from SL is a good match, but having more variety would be even better!

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Why would you even want this? It would literally just be a skin. You’d be cosplaying.

It would remove any chance of a proper allied race.


Lol at least you said the quiet part out loud. More faction-bias nonsense getting in the way of progress for everyone. You’re not worth engaging with. Blocked.

Edit: Lol type your response if you want, I wont read it.

So Alliance are told repeatedly that they can’t have High Elves because there aren’t any left in canon (even though there’s piles all over).

But you want to give Blood Elves (already a decimated subset of High Elves) access to Sanlayn (a murdered and raised subset of Blood Elves) who Somehow Survived All Dem Purges (another subset of the San’layn) and are Accepted into the Horde (the tiniest subset of the tiniest subset of an already decimated race).


I don’t think they’ll make an allied race for San’layn… so this is the next best thing.

I added to the OP several options:

  • skin colors, varying pale skins of blue, green, grey
  • cracked skin
  • eye slits, vampires sometimes have slits like dragons, this is due to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vlad_II_Dracul - also known as Vlad Dracul (Vlad al II-lea Dracul) or Vlad the Dragon) - his son was Vlad Dracula - Vlad the Impaler.
  • some dark wing back mogs would be awesome
  • makeup around the eyes crossing them from above the eye-brows, black-red most likely
  • not sure if fangs could be an option, but would be really cool!

Also just thought of this, but if they could bring those along with the overcoats used by the Venthyr, it would be awesome!

Por que no los dos?

Alliance should’ve gotten High Elves instead of Void Elves, or at the very least Void Elves should’ve been a minor subfaction you can RP if you want.

I would love for Alliance to get proper High Elves. This isn’t a zero-sum game, people.

Wait till Worgen get tails I cant wait to see what they demand then.


They’ll want tails as well probably


At this point just release all of the race variations. Assets are already there. Who cares?

“Superior” Undead form :woman_zombie: (honestly pains me we still don’t have the Nathanos look…)
Tailed Worgen
Rotting Gnome


Lol, this is also a good point. We shouldnt whining we havent gotten darkfallen or felblood elves yet, just because the Draenei got something nice.

But I do think it’s a conversation with having.

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I’m sure there are San’layn in hiding somewhere on Azeroth.
Killing off an entire race is complete nonsense.

The way you guys read it shows more about your mentality though.
If you look at it from this point of view: if Draenei can have Eredar options, then BE’s can also have San’layn options. The gateway is open by Blizz at this point.

So, maybe stop accusing me of being against Draenei getting something nice, when i am not.

Wow. All I did was point out the inane logic behind giving blood elves a cannon fodder NPC race introduced a decade and a half ago as unnecessary parity for the draenei getting something nice for once. Didn’t know I was engaging with a Twitter drama queen, same “I’m losing the argument, so I’m blocking you” mindset and all. Unlike there, though, she can’t stop me from replying :rofl:

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Fair enough. Hard to tell intent over the internet and all <3

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Eh, dude, let’s not fan the flames further. I think the OP does have a good point, even though I personally don’t care about Darkfallen.

I’m firmly in the “why not”? category for Darkfallen, and in the “please it would make me happy” category for felblood elves :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s a great line, and if I were 22 I’d probably think you have a good point. But Dev time is a zero sum game. And if someone gets something, everyone else doesn’t.

It’s like when you play an OP class and say “Why do we have to nerf things? Why can’t we buff everyone to be just as good?!” It’s a filibuster by another name.

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you got blue eyes for blood elfs and void elves, ethnically speaking blood elves are just high elves under a different name with void elves just being void-touched high elves. the only difference is they aren’t mana-crack addicts anymore

I demand a new Heritage armor set! If we cannot ever get the much desired High Elves then give us their Warcraft 2 outfits at least!

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