Draenei getting Eredar skins... why can't Blood Elves get

They want to have it both ways: give the Alliance “darker” themes for people who want them, but without ever committing to the Alliance having any internal strife or doing anything wrong.

To quote a former president from Blizzard’s favorite country, the writers are,

“Too simple. Sometimes, naive”.


i think velen softens after the lesson he learned with rakeesh

I mean, the internal strife doesn’t even have to be that pronounced. Work with the foundation we already have. We saw how the Dwarves had been paralyzed in MoP because neither the Ironforge or Wildhammers felt comfortable leaving Ironforge for fear the Dark Irons would try to take it again.

Worgen have barely had the ill-effects of their curse elaborated on since they left their own starting zone. Even in Duskwood, the most we saw was them avoiding Darkshire.

These sentiments of mistrust, of suspicion, should not be something hand-waved away so easily. These should be lingering sentiments that never truly disappear. All these, ‘Dark,’ races in the Alliance should be banding together not just because of common ground, but because of a sense of mutual support and safety. Literally, an Alliance within the Alliance, existing to defend itself.

From there, let the story evolve naturally. This, ‘Dark Alliance,’ embraces a more pragmatic approach. What we saw with the Void Elves in BFA is perfect for this (one of the few times I’ll praise what little writing they have). Void Elves in BFA committed atrocities of a magnitude that cannot be ignored, but are largely given a pass because of their justifications. They throw Horde diplomats into the void to die of starvaton, thirst, or whatever is lurking there, to deprive the Zandalari of information, under the guise of, ‘it’ll save more lives in the long run.’ They reanimate a T-Rex to wage psychological warfare against the Zandalari to break their moral and reduce casualties on both sides.

This is war crime level stuff, but it gets justified in such a way that even the holiest of Paladins would turn a blind eye to because it could be so much worse (and those holiest paladins do, our Lightforged buddies who seem to get along oddly well with the Void Elves of all people).

If that sort of approach was taken with this, ‘Dark Alliance,’ where we see pragmatic but downright evil methods being used to accomplish goals, it opens up an internal conflict in the Alliance. What’s more, have this, ‘Dark Alliance,’ actually making progress where more traditional, moral parties in the Alliance don’t. Build this idea that, ‘if we want to survive, we need to be willing to do what is necessary.’ Start this cold civil war off on ideology.

I would sooner accept Anduin as someone who acknowledges the darkness needs the light and vice versa, if he can bring these two groups together after all that, and accept for himself that sometimes, bad things need to happen for good reasons.

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THATS IT! we can explore the worgen illness by make it worse and adding tails to them!

the game, prior to shadowlands and after vanilla, had been primarily horde focused because the playable races on horde were edgier. so when horde became overpopulated, people suggested giving alliance more edge. i guess the latest changes have been an attempt to do that

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Because what if San’layn become playable at some point? or whatever the shadowlands equivalent was. The fact we don’t have that customization keeps hope alive. I still want Sethrakk but that’s a pipe dream

if on horde, they will be super popular. if on alliance, the place will melt down. so yeah more vicious worgen is better alliance path lol

Nah EVERYONE needs more customization


Snobby? vain? Self centered? Lack of empathy for others? Arrogance?That is the Elf in Warcraft for you. Few of them ever stray from that.

Always taking always causing invasions to happen… always others cleaning up their messes. I hate Elfs for that alone.

Sporadic racial customization from quests is cool, but I’d love to see every other patch add someone like a hairstyle or tattoo that every race can use. Serving one at a time is making everyone unhappy :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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Wow wow wow. They will literally say anything, regardless of reality, to get what they want.

To get what? Their human form does have a lot. That isn’t saying that Worgen forms should not get more. We were talking about total customizations.


Blood elves should actually lose customization, imo

No one should lose customization and that luckily is not Blizzard’s goal.

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Yeah but if there was justice, it should happen.

Based on what?


Lets go with that if we lose customizations they can outright delete Dwarves since most people don’t play them anyway, it’s a fair trade.

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I believe in a redistribution of customization options so that we all have a roughly equal amount.

Belves aren’t even near the top. You need to be pilfering from Dracthyr. But even then, that’s not how any of this works, chief.


Right, because there is no justice.