Dracthyr tail swipe removal

Doesn’t seem to change much tbh

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This is stupidly irrelevant to whatever nonsense you’re spouting.

A lizard experiment is a lizard experiment. No one cares about the class.

You sound ridiculous.

No you aren’t. You’re making up stuff that makes zero sense and trying to get a race basically deleted from the game.

You are NOT immune to knockbacks. My god, people… Stop making crap up.

You are NOT constantly gliding. You have to hop and glide and there’s an internal cooldown. It’s slower than DHs.

Roll your eyes right back at yourself. Y’all have zero clue how this works.

Barely. The ONLY way to mitigate it is with Hover timing— which only Evoker has.

So those people are still wrong. As usual.


No, it’s really weird for their tail to just sit there useless while their wings aren’t.
If balance is their concern they could have just made them share a cooldown.

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Never. I’m simply enjoying watching non-Evoker dracthyr get neutered piece by piece. :dracthyr_nod:

So you’re trolling with nonsense to screw everyone over. Got it.


tail swipe on a dracthy monk would be wicked… oh wait, we cant make a dracthyr monk :frowning:

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Where’s the trolling? Tail Swipe and Wing Flap got nerfed, and now Tail Swipe has been removed completely from non-Evoker Dracthyr. The next ball to drop will be glide, and I’m going to enjoy every minute of it. :dracthyr_tea:

Wishing for a race to be completely unplayable and lose all racial identity because of some sort of psychotic behavior to want the game to be worse is beyond words. Not worth the time.


Seriously? They’re removing it for all but Evokers? I’m not seeing any reason to make a Drac anything at this point. Hitting with the tail makes so much sense, but alas apparently not to blizz.

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Non-Evoker Dracthry will still be playable. They just won’t be the OP Elves-lite that certain players wanted them to be. Honestly the game would have been worse if Blizzard didn’t nerf their racials into the dirt. To be frank, they need to go further.

Then stop?

But it’s not him who wants to ruin things for others in this thread. He’s the good dragon!


Pretty much every post you’ve made on this topic, especially the ones about wanting to see people suffer.


Had to unhide that post to see what you were talking about. Apparently I just live rent free in Warth’s head. He enjoys following me into threads to make insulting comments to troll. I only hear about them when someone quotes it or like you, there’s a comment I don’t understand until I read the reply.

But yeah… I’m over here trying to save lizard experiment identity. I’m so tired of people who don’t understand how things work making things up and Blizz listening to them. It’s killing the race.


You keep your tail swipe. It’s a base talent now. The premise of this thread is false.

you are straight up lying or ignorant. they are removing it for non-evokers. this is a thread about the new classes for dracthyr that are added with the WoW 20th anniversary patch.

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It’s removed from Dracthyr and added to Evoker instead. So it’s no longer a Dracthyr ability, which means that the topic title and premise are 100% true and correct.


Visage form can glide too no reason to remove it, but a cool down for it probably not since it’s like a demon hunter glide.

Tail swipe would have been a preferred preference over wing beat for my dragon warrior.

Too bad they didn’t want to make tail swipe it a talent choice between wing beat.

i see a lot of people losing their minds. THIS is what should actually happen for Dracthyrs. They should be able to, like a talent, outside of combat change between tail swipe or wing buffet. Additionally, removing the thrust mechanic on their glide for non-evokers. This makes it so that only “specially trained” dracthyr have powerful wings or tails to use that move, and glide is no longer a speed increase for classes that would be broken with it.


This is the way