Dracthyr tail swipe removal

It is indeed quite bizarre. The other one involving the wings, if anything, should have probably been reserved for the Evoker class as utilization of Draconic energies over the wind or something… Whereas every Dracthyr, I’d imagine, can swipe their tail just as effectively as part of their average physiology, and especially on the melee archetype :smiley: Nevertheless… IIRC they both shared a long cooldown, or were even a choice node! I don’t see why this couldn’t have been kept unchanged, or even get an increased cooldown rather than forcing y’all to choose one over the other…
I suppose in a toss-up between a knock back, and a knock-up… the latter was chosen because it’s more uniquely disruptive?
I’m not sure how to feel about (from a Druid’s perspective) basically more classes just having access to a version of Typhoon. In-fact… on the other hand, I wish Dracthyr could be Druids so I could drop the talent and invest the point somewhere else :dracthyr_lulmao: and also cuz I love Visage. I’ve always wanted to be a Half Elf.

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Shared CD, reduce the nerfed CD to 2 minutes (maybe 2 30 at absolute worst), make cd reduction one talent on the evoker tree, there, everything’s cleaned up

The wings aren’t powered by magic though, wing buffet is just shoving people with the wings.

Only Mage, Hunter and DH should be allowed to have arcane torrent then? Cause that’s the logic to me. Those are respectively the shared elf hero class and the classes so iconic to blood elves that they had artefacts related to their homeland in Legion (and hunter even has the only icons depicting a blood elf). Nothing else should get those iconic things.

A cooldown for glide would be as bad as removing it. Also, it had nothing to do with being able to use it in Visage. Just me being grumpy that so many people are calling to remove it.

Removing Tail Swipe was silly too. It would have been better if they had just had them share a cooldown. Let people choose which they want to use, and remove the shared cooldown from Evoker.


I made a post on this in the correct category in case you want to move the discussion on that exact point there :slight_smile: :


touch grass and take some vitamin d supplements if you see the sun this little.


Thank you. It’s incredible how upset people are getting simply because they wanted to be OP half elves with draconic racials.

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