Dracthyr tail swipe removal

Why are you still doing this


Yeah for everything else…

Like hover for example, perfect example…

But a wing beat, lol come on

Just preparing folks for the inevitable removal of glide from non-Evoker Dracthyrs. :dracthyr_crylaugh:

They’re not gonna remove it …

At most it’ll be severely limited…

Maybe not usable in combat, a CD, or no more forward momentum

Always being immune to knockbacks, being able to glide around the map and move faster has no major benefit in pvp? :roll_eyes:

I admire your optimism… :dracthyr_comfy_sip: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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This doesn’t mean what you think it means. Immunity means that it doesn’t affect you at all. Even with Glide, you take time to land after a knock back. The effect is mitigated if you react promptly, but to say it grants “immunity” to knock back is an unnecessary hyperbole.


So… remove Dracthyr tails and give em to Worgen is what Im hearing.

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You can’t remove glide off of a winged race bro…

Worst case scenario it could be disabled in rated pvp


Good luck knocking anyone off lumbermill/blacksmith in AB or knocking them off the map in eye of the storm when they are all capable of gliding.

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That’s why the forward momentum needs to be removed, that fixes that issue 100%

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Don’t you dare…

People still do AB and EotS? Sorry if these niche cases result in a very small racial advantage, but that doesn’t really affect me or 99% of other players.

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Everyone who enjoys pvp is playing ranked solo queue bg’s, you know the new ranked mode for the expansion.

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The Dracthy are losing their tails? Oh I bet the Worgen are loving this.

Shared cooldown would be an OK compromise I think… but yes, everyone I know was planning to race change because having both - even on a 3 min cooldown - was beyond ridiculous.

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I really don’t like this change. Tail Swipe and Buffet should both be on the same CD and Evokers should get a talent or baseline spell that removes that restriction.


Oh you have no idea!


So a very specific use case makes Glide a decent racial on certain battlegrounds from time to time. With decent gameplay pretty much every dracthyr class could already avoid being knocked to their death.

Hunter disengage, rogue shadowstep, warrior heroic leap, Mage blink, Warlock demonic circle, all of them can resist being knocked to their death already.

I guess you have priest to complain about, but at that point it just feels like you’re trying too hard to come up with reasons why it shouldn’t exist.

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Imagine all those classes with all those movement abilities you just listed but now they can glide too, its overpowered and needs to be disabled in pvp.

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