Dracthyr tail swipe removal

Not really weird.

It’d be overpowered in the hands of other classes.

vast majority of dracthyr aren’t evokers. per the class lore. i guess that means a lot of dracthyr are deficient.

It’s a 3 min CD knock up… It’s not OP at all out side of stacking dracs for M+

Wing beat isn’t as bad because it messes with mob positioning

Considering that they’re experiments created by a crazed dragon aspect, that makes sense.

Except Nelly didn’t succumb to complete madness yet

Again, stop pearl clutching, it’s cringe

He was already void-corrupted when he created the Dracthyr, so yes he was already mentally compromised.

Look, the lore is rather clear that the best and brightest dracthyr become Evokers, while the left overs become… whatever else. So I fully expect them to lose more racials in the future. If I were to bet, I would put my money on Glide being on the chopping block next.

wow, really selling me on the fantasy you’re so desperately trying to save. the test tube babies made by an addled mad scientist who deteriorate so profoundly when they’re not the absolute best that they can’t even use their appendages. next, they should also lose the ability to walk and form complete sentences. it’s unreal

Because it felt so great in early Dragonflight for Dracthyr to have to use flying mounts all the time instead of actually being able to use their wings.

Also, Dracthyr flight being worse than using the Dragonflight dragons to force them to be like all the other races really didn’t make me want to play the race, especially when they kept having Dracthyr NPCs constantly flying about with no problems at all while players basically had clipped wings.

If non-Evokers can’t use Soar, then they’d might as well make Dracthyr wings exclusive to Evoker and make non-Evoker Dracthyr wingless.

The fantasy is safe my dude. I’m just trying to help folks understand why things are happening the way they’re happening. Again, fully expect Glide to get nerfed for non-Evoker Dracthyr next.

I would have no problem with that either.

Dude they’re basic dragon skills…

By your logic all humanoids who aren’t monks are mentally deficient, you realize this right

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you’re mostly explaining, inadvertently, why your ideas should be kept at safe proximity to productive conversation.

Sometimes that’s enough though. It makes sense that Tail Swipe gets the axe since that seems the one that most universally benefitted from stacking Drac’thyr since having multiple Drac’thyr in a group meant you could essentially chain knock-up mobs, whereas with Wing Buffett the positioning requirement is a lot stricter.

knock up is more useful than knock back, that’s why the hunter trap choice node knock up explosive trap has a longer cd than the knock back one.
specifically, m+. Just stop all the casters doing anything and keep all the mobs bunched up. I’m of the mind both racials should have gone to evoker only as an extra knockback on honestly not that even long of a cooldown is still pretty busted.

My Dracthyr will always be a solid Evoker, it’s not just a class thing but a RP thing for me too.

So thank goodness it’s kept for Evoker Dracthyr. I use Tail Swipe for mass interrupts in raids a lot, so I’m glad I’ll get to keep it.

That’s not what the lore says.

3 min is pretty long for a knock back that doesn’t even slow

Lol the lore doesn’t say anything on how easily a drac can use there wings to knock back enemies whether they’re an evoker or not.

The lore says that elite Dracthyr become Evokers and the standard Dracthyr don’t.

Yeah, that has nothing to do with their wing beat racial…

It can be translated into them not being able to utilize their draconic body as efficiently as Evokers can.