Dracthyr tail swipe removal

That’s really weird.
Their tail is right there, and a sweep seems a much more basic move than generating enough forward gust to blow something the size of your average humanoid away while remaining stationary.

Knockup & knockback no longer interrupt a cast, adds will continue casting as soon as they stop moving. Not understanding why tail swipe had to be touched. The people saying we have 3 interrupts don’t understand how the mechanics of the game work, lol. If balance is really such a huge concern here, just give wing buffet & tail swipe a shared CD for non-evokers. We’re starting to lose some of the race fantasy (playing as a dragon) over mild balance differences at worst if looking at extreme game scenarios.

Really don’t like this change, and I really hope glide isn’t touched. Glide doesn’t do much for a warrior. It barely gives a speed boost, but allows us to survive falls.


That goes against the competitive derpiness of (mostly) Mythic and Heroic raiders or ‘Ranked’ PvP players that any slight perception of an advantage a racial might have must be quashed with impunity…

Except for Shadowmeld.
And anything Orc.
And anything Belf.
Anything practically Horde, while we’re at it.

‘How dare a race have something fun and interesting? Wah. Wah. Wah!’


The glide isn’t a doublejump, it’s weaker than that of a DH’s.


Maybe that’s how worgans lost their tails from not using them. You vulpira better wiggle your tails more often or blizzard may make yours fall off too.

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And it’s people like this that ruin the game.

This is the crux of the issue: people who don’t understand it, raging about it.


People better not cause Glide to be nerfed for Evokers next cuz of this overdramatic whinging >.<


It’s unfortunate that they won’t just admit the whole stupid race was a mistake and remove it along with the evoker class.

RIGHT?! We’ve got unintelligent people around here who know nothing about how Dracthyr work screwing us over and I’m about to get even nastier than I normally am.

Yelling at other players doesn’t get you anywhere though, lol. You’ve given your feedback here, I also encourage you to participate in community surveys via the feedback program that pops up occasionally in the blizzard launcher. Worst case scenario, speak with your money - unsub & leave your feedback in the “why are you leaving?” text field.

I’m 100% with you that the complete removal of tail swipe is a frustrating decision when there’s better alternatives (e.g. shared CD), but breaking forum rules doesn’t really do anything.

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I can yell at the misinformation people try to feed each other and that ends up influencing Blizz for some stupid reason.

I always do. And I’m part of the research program.

If they remove Glide… that’s exactly what I’m doing.

I know. :expressionless: I like my ability to post gifs too much, too.


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You should forward the drac player’s sentiments there if you haven’t already :slight_smile:

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This does not exist. If you press space again the glide is cancelled and you fall, there is no additional thrust applied that was not already applied.

I believe they mean the little bump forward with glide that gives it the momentum to carry you, which DH also has. It’s just baked into the mechanic and if they removed it, honestly you’d not go anywhere. (It’s impossible to remove without just making it slow fall that can aim.)

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Naw, let all Dracthyr have it. Flying was never an Evoker only thing. We see all sorts of Dracthyr doing it. Would be silly if other classes forgot how to fly just because they took up an ax.

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I’d have preferred they keep swipe and remove the other.

Knock up >>>>>> Knock back. Knock back jubrings friends.

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Thank god none of them are devs.


Pleeeease don’t give them any ideas :sob:

No, because Worgen don’t have a class dedicated to them. Anything draconic should remain in the Evoker class. In fact, Non-Evoker Dracthyr should get entirely different racials than Dracthyr Evokers. It’s only fair. According to lore, non Evoker Dracthyr have physical and mental deficiencies that prevent them from being Evokers, so them being unable to use their body parts to their full potential only makes sense.

Lol pearl clutch harder

Bro stop trolling