Dracthyr tail swipe removal

But too dumb to keep up their visage form in combat.


Because keeping it as a racial would be incredibly powerful for other Dracthyr classes.

Kind of like how Arcane Torrent used to be an AOE silence. Which would have been so broken for Blood Elves that they couldn’t be warriors.

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Good example. Having both the Wing Buffet and Tail Swipe are effectively 2 AOE interrupts. I dont think people really know this.

seems ok to me. wasnt looking forward to every m+ group wanting as many dragons as possible for those 2 juicy additional aoe pseudo-interrupts.


I mean
 I’m OK with this.

Just because they have a tail doesn’t mean they all would know how to tail swipe properly.

Just think about it: We all have legs, but only Monks got Leg Swipe.

It’s basically the same situation with a different appendage.

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What OP didn’t say is that tail swipe is now baseline.

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for evokers. The change is to preemptively nerf non-evoker dracthyr

I just read where it’ll be baseline. Idk any other details.

DH glide is still locked to a class. Dracthyr glide will give its speed boost to any class that can be dracthyr, giving those classes an incentive to choose that race.

I don’t think it’s enough of an advantage to change glide or remove it, but it is still there.

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Omg just remove the forward momentum of glide and make it a basic slow fall

It then it’s not as fun :frowning:

Tail Swipe can be used as a non-DR version of blood elves old Arcane Torrent interrupt. Which was so overpowered blood elves dominated high end M+ for pretty much all of Legion. Tail Swipe is a better Arcane Torrent. Hence its removal.

I mean sure but I think it’s a pretty reasonable compromise

Dracthyr still has double jump which is a +40% movement advantage. It can also let you negate knockbacks.

Dracthyr having 2 ccs that don’t diminishing return would have been a huge advantage in M+ and PvP.

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These don’t affect you.

Should we just remove Running Wild, too? Why the hell does Soar need removed?

And DH Glide is superior in every way.

You people are ridiculous. Stop ruining the game with nonsense.


NGL for the short time I had an Evoker last xpac I never used any of the racials except the flying one, then I used it even more when it got crisscrossed with dragonriding so I don’t care as long as my upcoming Dracthyr Warlocks can still fly.

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OMG NO IT IS NOT. :woman_facepalming:t4:


The only reason I disagree with this, was the change made to interrupts this expansion. Knock back and knock up no longer fully interrupt, just give a brief pause. They’ll continue casting the moment they aren’t moving. (That is if they don’t already move and cast like so many mobs seem to now

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this is simply incorrect. do you know the lore for your own race?

wow, that just seems silly