Dracthyr tail swipe removal

The silly thing is Soar is kind of garbage because you are not “mounted” for ground mount travel. They need to make it a full mount so that dracthyr can actually use it for gathering and air-to-land-to-air again movement without having to cast soar again.


Eh, that I can understand at least. We can glide while falling instead, and that’s a fair enough compromise.

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Evoker still has it.

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With this removal, are they still keeping the increased cooldown? Let’s revert back that change and the change to the Evoker talent tree too doesn’t need to happen.

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Why are you in here provoking people with absolutely nonsensical ideas? You’re not subtle lol


Agreed. Although it may admittedly be an issue with the new squadron ability coming.
It would probably change the gathering meta significantly.

Tail swipe being baseline is a very good change.

Im not sure how it would change the gathering meta tbh. Since at this point everyone should have flying mounts and all that. As for the squadron thing you could make that a mount as well. One initiates a stance, up to two other click on said first dracthyr to join in, and the lead rides around like any other mount.

I was thinking it might make it easier for multiboxers, but I’m not sure if that thought has much basis.

Drac’thyr racials are insane atm, expect further nerfs.

It’s honestly baffling they thought they could come out with three active racials when almost every other race in the game only has one. Like, of course that was going to be ridiculously OP without even getting in to what the racials were. The OOC regen is really good too.

I expect that by the time they’re done changing them it will be Wing Buffet and nothing else. Hopefully this happens before PTR and not on live when people can spend actual money.

Ehhh possibly? I dont remember there being any other forms of 3 person mounts so yeah maybe.

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None that fly (or can gather, for that matter), I think?

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Please take your silliness elsewhere, we’re trying to have an honest discussion in here.

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It’s basically just a flavored version of skyriding ride-along.

Well…at least they did it now rather than waiting for people to think Dracthyr was the way to go for M+, race change over, and then Blizz makes the change.

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I want non-Evoker dracthyr to suffer! :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Cool, you do you, I guess, but it’s profoundly unhelpful to the discussion.


you need to chill. They are being serious. Having a jump-glide that pushes you forward at a faster run speed than any other race is a broken racial. I expect them to keep the glide and remove the thrust that happens when you hit spacebar again during the jump. This way you can float down to safety from heights but you no longer get to use it to speed boost everywhere.

Then I’m going to laugh even harder.

Soar should be the Evoker class mount.

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