Dracthyr tail swipe removal

So when a dracthyr decides to learn how to cast frostbolt, or how to wield a bow, it forgets how to use it’s tail? Interesting.


And DH Glide is better than Dracthyr glide, coupled with the DH abilities and it’s insanely OP.

oh, they detected Priests might actually have a usable CC toolkit and knew they couldn’t have that lol


Even with that change it would be a very strong racial. It either needs an absurd cooldown or something else. Maybe put both on the same cooldown and have them be single target.

I don’t like the idea of straight removing them because it pulls from the theme of the race, but having an aoe knockdown/knockback is a lot stronger than any other active use.

I honestly don’t care. As long as Dracthyr Mages and other classes can glide and soar, I’m happy.


Why you bully me

My concern is the “slippery slope.” If they remove the glide because people who don’t comprehend how it works complained… poo is gonna hit the fan.

Good. Remove Glide and Soar next. These should be Evoker only abilities.

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Yeah! Only evokers are smart enough to know how to use their tail! Makes perfect sense!

Well according to lore, non-Evoker Dracthyr are essentially the rejects of the race, so it tracks.

Hell no. Dracthyr of all classes should have glide and soar. Those are the coolest abilities they have. Plus it wouldn’t make any sense. A Dracthyr Mage who can’t use their wings? Do you know how stupid that sounds. Glide and Soar should stay racials.


Sounds about as dumb as them not being able to use their tails, yet here we are.

I don’t know why they’re removing that ability, but I don’t really use that ability anyway.

If we’re being realistic, all Dracthyr should also have Hover, but that would be broken on caster classes other than Evoker.

Giving the only winged race in the game the ability to use their wings at any time is literally the only thing that makes sense.

“Oh no, my wings are on cooldown I can’t glide across this small gap,”

“Oh no, I set foot into a cave and now I don’t know how to use my wings anymore”


Given wing flap, I can grant them glide. However, they should lose Soar.

Lizards are pretty smooth brain, so it makes sense when they learn something new, they forget something.


They should get rid of the portion of jump-glide that shoves you forward when you hit spacebar twice while they are at it for non-evoker Dracthyr.

Also anyone shocked that a race is losing one of two aoe interrupt actives when broadened to multiple classes need to start thinking again.

Why should they lose soar?

It’s silly, yes, but that logic is already in place in some regards. I wish we could soar mid-fall outdoors like druids can shift into flight form, but oh well.

Why soar? I can understand glide, but soar is just a mount.

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