Dracthyr needs masculine and feminine dragon form

If they’re the alpha-assets I hope they are, they might get the Worgen treatment. Blizzard seems to be in the need-to-please mood right now, so they’d better listen or Dragonflight is going to be the 3rd edition of BFA’s abysmal sub numbers with Wrath being the only thing holding up the floor.


Yeah, I got to use my wallet as leverage here you guys are too easygoing, we got them to beef these scale babies up, they look seriously anorexic. they’re the David bowies of the lizard world.

Yeah but that doesn’t mean moral races as you put it had anything to do with their creations. All we were told is they are an experiment combining all the dragon aspects.

Yes. I would also like the big shoulders and hard pecs as an addition. In fact, I’d like to be able to choose from either of them, or have them both present at the same time.

I think their form is fine if not a bit flat looking… though I definitely would prefer there to be more customizable options in that regard.

They can’t please everyone. listening to all criticism isn’t good either

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And not listening to criticism is what got them into this mess in the first place. Keeping your headlining new addition to a niche isn’t going to help them at all. It’s basically a rule that if you can’t make a waifu/husbando out of a race, it’s going to fall to the wayside.

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My impression here was that Dracthyr are more of a nod to transgender rights. The Dracthyr form itself not really having a male or female form, and the only form that actually has a gender association is a projection of who the Dracthyr wants to be, seems to line up with that.

It’s not without precedent, either, as Chromie has been lingering around for ages. Though that’s more of a naming thing, but it’s still something.

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You just increased their appeal by 100.


probably why ff14 just said “f-it, just slap some scales and horns on male and female humans.” (not a direct quote, just a theory)

The worst part is that I think Au’ra are a disappointment because relative to the other races in FFXIV, they’re just another brand of boring generic human.

I have no problem with them being dragons, but I do have a problem with them not having a male/female form. If I had a male form with a beefy chest and then this lanky twink was the female form, while I’d be disappointed with how bad the form looks at least there’d be an option to escape it.

I have no idea how anyone can like the humanoid forms for this race though. They’re probably the ugliest things I’ve ever seen in this game.

yeah bowie fans wouldnt scoff at that, but i’m not just a bowie fan. every race in the game has gender parts, except the dracs.

The treatment of going from a decent model to an utterly horrid model because of listening to ‘feedback’, the vocal ‘it has to be more feral/vicious looking’ and have a hideous permanently snarling at all times model for 10 years?

No thanks, hopefully Blizzard will sticks to their guns and their vision for the race, and at most add a ‘mass’ slider so there is the option of having a bulkier version for those that may wish it.


I’d rather they be given the full chihuahua snarl treatment than go forward looking as bad as they do now. Blizzard will never do sliders, so it’s all or nothing.

Good thing you have… literally every single other male playable race to choose from if you want the 'roided out look.

And again, there is literally every single other playable race to suit those needs, for those who want that.


Masculinity and femininity aren’t inherently tied to gender though, there can be masculine girls and feminine boys.

Think the main thing is the choice to be one or the other or neither, because right now, we have neither.

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Good grief, you have some issues. They’re freaking dragon people. They don’t need to conform to your weird sense of “all men must have muscles on top of muscles, and all women must be curvy with boobs”.


They will. There is nearly as many suggestions of how people would rather have them look as there are people posting. Not everyone will like them but many will. no matter what they do that will be the case

While I’m inclined to agree, I feel like the take they’re currently going with is to have all gender and dimorphism occur in the “visage” form - the one the Dracthyr specifically chooses.

Maybe the best way to compromise is to allow people to choose the bulkiness of their dragon in the barber shop. Choose a more slender form or a thicker version. This way it’s not locked to gender.