Dracthyr needs masculine and feminine dragon form

Some distinction would be nice, if simply because having them with no real variation will make them feel a lot like druid forms.

I can count on one hand how many times I’ve seen worgen in human form. it will be fine


That doesn’t solve the problem, the dragon forms suck and those are what I want fixed. I could really give less than a [Expletive Deleted] about the human forms. Even if they also suck, at least I don’t have to look at them. In fact I’m pretty sure I saw either an edit or one of the original versions of the beefy male dragon form going around and immediately thought “Uh, why don’t I get that? Why do I have to put up with the lanky twink?”

I love the dracthyr and the evoker, as much as we’ve seen of it so far anyway.

But by far and away my favorite thing about them is that it hardcore triggers all the transphobes by being vaguely androgynous.


Its good to have a race that doesnt share the norms.

Its not human, it would not share human traits like what you are describing.


I think it’s brilliant, personally. Dragon form being the same makes it easier to design new additions for it down the line and follows the idea that we don’t see gendered dragon forms by and large from the aspects anyway. I’m hoping that depending on how armor is handled, since we don’t have much to go on currently, that we see some customization earned through the expansion that let us tailor a bit more of the dragon form.


“We’re getting less and that’s a GOOD thing!”

Behold. The reason WoW has fallen so far. The tyranny of low expectations.


That coming from a walking trashcan

The art we saw had armor on the dragon form, so it’s a good possibility that either it’s an option, a customization, or some armor appears on both.

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Trying to err on the side of caution, we saw a very limited singular look. I think we’ll have designs we can use but I’m wondering how it’ll manifest. Let armor show like normal or is it going to be something like a certain amount of ensemble types where it’s static but you get like 8-10 options akin to body customization. Waiting to see more and hope it’s a bit more robust cause that’d some people make them feel more to their liking.

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Worgen have separate male and female forms.

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I was thinking it might be like the DH class-specific shows. So like a leather chest piece on a DH might or might not have the flanks or the walls, even if they show on other characters.

Dracthyr could be similar. Unique looks based on armor.


I understand that but I’m done giving Blizzard the benefit of my cautious optimism. They’ve failed front, right, and center in the last 4 (Yes, including Legion which only became playable in the 7.2-7.3 span) expansions and gave the playerbase the proverbial middle finger for the entirety of it.

With the way Shadowlands went, I think they’re broke because everyone quit out of frustration and now they’re trying to pull us all back in with the same sorry song and dance of “Oh we’re sorry, we’re listening! We need to do better, thank you telling us pay-, players.” And then giving us back features they took away from us in the first place. I want to play Evoker, I WANT to like Dracthyr, but this company is producing content so far from what I like that despite being probably as close to a target audience for furbait that you can get I’m sitting firmly in the “not buying” camp as it is.


DH are Blood Elves and Night Elves though…Dracthyr are a race, so how does DH make one more masculine or feminine

reptiles don’t have boobs. Dragons in wow don’t have boobs. Why would dracthyr have boobs. What are you expecting here. Male and female dragons in fantasy are usually fairly indistinguishable from each other.


Dragons aren’t real. Space goats aren’t real. Trolls aren’t real. Lizards can have boobs if you want them to and I’ll die on this hill. It’s OUR player customization, and we want beefy dragon dudes and dragon boobs. Todd made it work for Argonians, Blizzard can make it work for their ugly dragon twinks.


what bothers me about it is that the standard is no female parts. just looks like a male. it doesnt look androgynous, since that would require it to look female too. it doesnt. just looks like a male.

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Relax. I don’t think anyone is asking for boobs (well some are lol)… I’m happy with the current body but I would like some feminine features on the face. If they are adding the option to pick male and female in the first place which they are, then both forms should represent that choice just like Worgen. Simple as that.

They will have horn and face options. we haven’t even seen all the customization options.

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I agree.

I spent years playing video games where I could only play a male, finally am able to play as female but now I am only going to be able to a play this race/class as a… unisex model?

Bad enough they still used male as the default when they did the Watchers in the Dragonflight Cimematic, this is completely unacceptable to me.

If they are so set on a unisex model, fine. Give us options: a shapely female model, a beefier male model and that… genderless model.

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