Dracthyr needs masculine and feminine dragon form

Dracthyr need two models, but it doesn’t have to be gender-based. The existing model is fine if you want a spindly, lithe dragon, but we do need a power-fantasy buff model.

Both models could be either gender, because Dragons are reptilian, but diversity in body type is important for player customization. “Buff” Dragons could use the Gargoyle skeleton.


I disagree, we’ve been long overdue for an androgynous player race. They just don’t look like they fit WoW’s style like the others, though.


They looked super customisable though. The small amount we saw of their dragon forms had different horns, faces, frills, scale patterns, colours, etc. Their “human” forms had interesting scale patterns, multi-toned hair, horns, jewelry, etc. There’s prolly a lot more that we haven’t seen yet.

I absolutely adore their design. I love the athletic look, and I have sorely missed races like this in a lot of modern MMOs. I don’t particularly want them beefed up, or to give the female one breasts or something like that. I love my beautiful and sleek Dragonkin.


hate to break it to you, but reptiles don’t have much sexual dimorphism.
Males and females look very similar all across the board.

I would be fine with a bulkier and slimmer version, though. Just break the link between gender choice and make it a cosmetic option.


Dracthyr looks like it was pulled off some furries deviantart commisson

I like the androgenous dragon form. Very proper for a reptilian like race. (Though not sure I’d personally classify dragons as reptiles.)


…Well played Yogg. Well played.

(Removed final panel over concerns of profanity)

To better blend into mortal groups.

You’ll be turning a lot of heads with a features of a stone golem.

Stop telling Blizzard to put breasts on a lizard.


I don’t judge. If you want tiddies in the lizard, I think that’s valid.

But just say that. Don’t try and mask with all this buffoonery.

There’s more to being masc or fem than just the abundance or lack of muscles.


They’re dragons! They aren’t mammals.
Literally I had the whole human gender being forced on different species conversation repeatedly over the last few days.
I see this mindset as fully responsible in preventing a lot of games including WoW from adding more playable races. Blizzard has said that that creating different models is why several races have been removed from the future playable race pool.
We could have bird people and everything else if people didn’t want human physical standards applied to non human races.


Agreed. I’m not against androgynous characters, I prefer them a lot of the time, but when it comes to playable races in videogames, sorry, but a single model for a race just comes across as timesaving laziness.

It was the same for the Chua in WildStar. They had this lore reason why you couldn’t tell males and females apart and, you know, that’s cool, but doesn’t change they made only one model option. It still felt lazy. And for the entire life of the game players begged for more male and female Chua options.

Blizz, you want to actually be perceived as (hate to say ‘progressive’ because I don’t think that’s the goal here but it’s early and brain no worky) and not just lazy? Sliders. Or, add a male, female, and the current androgynous option and let the players play the one they want.

I’m telling you, going by my experience in WildStar, not adding a male and female option is just going to be a headache for you for as long as the game exists.


This is my favorite post on the forums. I’ve been laughing for 5 minutes straight!


They could stick melons on a reptile. The elder scrolls did that to argonians after Morrowind. Or they could just not. Fantasy dragons with melons are just not needed.

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Show me on the lizard where the boobs are, OP.


Or…they have a form in line with the dragons? Last I looked aside from horns you can’t tell a female or male dragon apart. Same as most lizards really. They don’t need forms like the argonians in elder scrolls…they are fine.


My dracthyr needs breasts if I’m going to RP as a lusty Argonian maid.


Thought about it, still doesn’t change anything to what was said.

DH is a class, not a race. And the DH class has animations for features the base race has, such as breasts for female as elves do. The Dracthyr do not, as reptiles do not, they are androgenous and do not need them. Would I be opposed to them having them? Doesn’t matter to me, as long as it is Blizzard’s vision for the race and not just caving to vocal ‘the lizards need breasts’.

All of which is besides what I was actually commenting on as I had not commented on the female model, is that not all male models have to be hulking brutes with tree trunks for arms, so I for am one am happy to have another race besides elves, trolls, and small races to play as a male without tree trunks in place of arms.


I think they do have head features that look more masculine or feminine though. Just not body shapes. And it seems as though those will be wholly separate from the visage you choose.

Just stop. It’s a race with a single class and a class with a single race, it better by God be customizable to fit my liking if they’re going to narrow it down to such a niche. I want dragon MEN and dragon WOMEN not these lanky effin’ twinks and dragqueen ‘visage’ forms.