Dracthyr needs masculine and feminine dragon form

Sometimes it’s easier to just ignore it all. Doing so has helped with a lot of the stupidity on full display.

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If you ever go onto BDO or play Korean MMORPGs, people complain all the time about gender locked classes. This is not a new take. There are large amounts of people that like to customize there character to fit a certain gender.

And I don’t play korean mmos so I don’t care

They are making draconic appearances something different than usual humanoids. Play belf female and pretend she is femboy if you want to. By all means.

Oh so dragons a made up species cant have a masculine form because in a fantasy world they wouldnt have enough gender differences compared to pandas or lizards in our world. Alright.

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Posted by a Mechagnome btw.

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You brought up cows and pandas dude.

Dragons in WoW don’t really have differences. So why the heck would one care about it when making super soldiers?

First of all, don’t be disgusting. Secondly, I think it makes perfect sense and there’s no need for male and female forms. Dragons themselves don’t have this.

DH is a class, not a race. That comment makes no sense.

Please show me where that says they’re female.

Literally no one said they don’t have a gender.

Subjective. I think they look good for what they are supposed to be.

Don’t speak for others.


Dragons in WoW are basically indistinguishable between male and female, outside of their names and voices. Makes sense that these dragonish forms would be similarly androgynous.


Because its a video game and game devs should create races that are customizable. One of the main things with a race is masculine and feminine body types.

Whenever you do something humanoid with facial and body features generally you have body type options. Just like when you pick a gender on other classes.


And not every race gives a dang about that stuff

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I dont have to speak for others, I just saw a reddit post with 2k upvotes saying they look terrible on the offical wow reddit. I am mearly saying lots of people think it looks bad lol


Its reddit. There’s nothing of value there


But not everyone is you. It is perfectly understandable why people want a male dragon form, especially when they introduce a similar race in the same upcoming expansion which looks like what people want to play.

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The whether they do or don’t have male and female aspect forms is debatable, in my opinion. They tend to doll either gender up in their aspect forms (the ones important to lore anyway) to the point where it’s pretty easy to say “that’s a male dragon” or “that’s a female dragon”.

I think the option to play as a neutral looking dragon should stay, but I also think that more masculine and feminine options should be available too. What actually constitutes as masculine or feminine I guess is a whole other debate entirely, but the desire remains to see these things.


Yea true, huge amount of people voting stuff has no zero. Ill take your opinion instead of a voting mass anyday

She cant think outside of herself.

Reddits just butt mad they didn’t get a dragon loli or something

Oh NooOOOOo GuyS My UpDoOOtS


They’re not mammals lmao


Do we have to have sexualized dragon forms on the new race? Why? The dragons in game don’t, and it’s a nice change. When mine shifts into human form she’ll have a skimp mog that would make Alexstrasza blush. This will be a neat contrast with her neutral dragon form that I can’t do with any other races.