Dracthyr needs masculine and feminine dragon form

I definitely wish blizzard would do another interview/ Q&A with the Drakthyr, just so we get a better idea of what’s going on with the race.

They would have to change the body shape. As a woman were breast the only thing that made you feminine? Hair? Make up? There are a lot of things that can be done to the model to create a more feminine character without having to add breast to it. Changing the body shape to a more pear shape with rounded buttocks and a thighs would do this. Once that is done facial options would do the rest.

i cant tell at all. unless someone says, one of these is female, then i might notice small differences, but thats closer than most would get to a drac running around in combat. just a sea of male looking dracs.

You guys know how to tell a male alligator from a female alligator? Good luck doing that with a dragon.


I agree with ya OP, but I also think there ought to be a middle variant too (the one on screen). For the sake of customization and community, I think there being 3 versions of body type might be good for the sake of player expression.

You want to be a strong like Deathwing looking dragon child who puts Gaston to shame, good! You want a more pretty dragoness who don’t need no man? also good! You in the middle of the road or don’t want to be defined by a choice of gendered? Then lets have that as an option too!

As a side note. I hope we “can” have armor and pants in the dragon forms. if only to live out the fantasy of playing a Dragonborn like character. Also the art by ThunderBrush is spot on.

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Shows a picture of a male and female iguana

KK: Which of these is not like the other? :notes:

“I don’t give a damn which of these is not like the other” :musical_note:

KK: Then why do you care if the other doesn’t look like the other? :notes:

“Because I can tell my mother from my brother” :notes:

KK: Based. Just… based.

That’s good for you but other people should have a choice.

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It seems that there is already feminine dragon faces.

And to use the same argument, that’s good for you, other people should have the choice to use the model as Blizzard designed and not be shoe-horned into a walking brute with tree trunks for arms like the majority of male models in WoW.

The optimal situation would be a body slider that both sides can get what they want, but as that is unlikely since Blizzard seems set to only have one body size for each gender no matter what, that means one side or the other has to not get what they would prefer, which in the majority of cases for someone who wishes to play a male, is having to have big bulky males, or have a very limited number of races to choose from (elves, trolls, small races)

Or a compromise between the two, as one poster above linked, that I already agreed is a nice compromise between the two ‘extremes’ of the current model vs ‘big bulky tree arms’ normal male model:


I think the drakenoids should come later as an AR to quell ppl wanting bulky dragons, they can also be classes such as warrior but not rogue.

What’s the generally accepted…scale of relative attractiveness for dragonkin anyway?

hops out of the thread making “boingy” sounds

There’s no point. If it doesn’t have boobs, false eyelashes, and lipstick, it’s not a woman, apparently.


Female dragons should look like Bugs Bunny in drag. :stuck_out_tongue:

if it doesnt have any of those and it has the same body as the male, how ya know its a female? just looks like a guy. cant use any of the clues females have in other humanoid wow races, because then its not a dragon for some reason

/face palm

So you are complaining that the Dragon doesn’t have boobs?

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Expand your mind. There are other ways to distinguish sexes. Someone mentioned the Charr earlier. One way Charr males and females are distinguished is in their tales. Males have thin tales with lion-like tufts at the end. Females have fluffier tales.

Folk want Blizzard to be creative, but slapping boobs and eyelashes on a model and saying, “Now this is woman!” is far from being creative.


So I don’t really care about the whole, feminine vs masculine thing y’all gonna on about, but I really have to wonder why they chose to use the worgen model instead of the gargoyles we had in venthyr. They seem waaaaaaaay better designed for dragons in mind.

but dracs are being deliberately designed as gender neutral when in combat, which translated means no breasts, so they are all meant to essentially look like males.

I have always hoped Blizz would add customizable options similar to something like what ESO has where you can customize a particular character to be taller/ shorter, wider/ thinner, muscular/ lean and everything in-between. Within reason of course, ranges that fit the race identity & lore. Just like in the real world, no two individuals are the same, I think the game should allow for variety as well, outside of just hairstyles and facial presets.

This may have already been said somewhere in the thread so I appologize if that is the case.

I think they’re using the same skeleton as the male succubus, but I could be wrong.

They don’t look like males just because they don’t have breasts. That’s the whole point.

Oh definitely, have always wanted this as well. I know sliders are not an option, so I’ve always argued for preset selectable options.

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