Dracthyr needs masculine and feminine dragon form

One, new playable race that doesn’t look like it overdoses on steroids, and suddenly Blizzard is “pandering” and “everything” now has a “feminine touch”? There are 24 other races to choose from.

No, I didn’t. Moosashii is insisting that female Dracthyr “need” boobs. That’s not arguing for a body type option. That’s trying to change the base body shape to something they have arbitrarily decided is “necessary” to be “feminine”.


Those. Other. Races. Can’t. Be. The. New. Class.

How much more does this need to be beaten into your thick goat skull? And regarding the boobs:

Drakonids: Boobs
Draconic Mageweaver and similar: Boobs
Dragon human forms: Boobs and Pecs

They are AESTHETIC. They are PLEASING. They are an indicator of whether or not my painted on armor textures will look better or worse.

That is a good point, one can also differentiate the gender of Charr quite easily despite the females not having breasts:

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The good model is already in the game https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/805942818245181449/966381758104895608/unknown.png
Whoever has the power, please make some noise so this actually becomes playable instead of the meme lizards.

Like how you chose to play Female Draenei because of what they have excluding the males? :3 Curious. Also no apology or talking about the other point, always looks bad.

Though I think Charr are very stylistically boring race as well.

Anti-breast crusaders can hit the bricks. The Charr design is awful, that’s the last thing Blizzard needs to steal from GW2 to accompany their falling with style model of flight.

[quote=“Pawzer-moon-guard, post:305, topic:1223943”]
Like how you chose to play Female Draenei because of what they have excluding the males? :3 Curious.[/quote]

What the heck does that even mean? Please come up with a coherent argument. I’m not sitting here arguing that breasts should be removed from existing races. I’m saying I like the current Dracthyr design and don’t think breasts are needed on the female model. FFS, this is not hard to understand.

Not apologizing for using “dude”. It’s a term that can be used for everyone. I won’t use it toward you again, if you’d prefer.

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They aren’t stealing from them, they made their own visual choice for a race to depict its reptillion origins for them, its Blizzards choice and Blizzards designs that you have an issue with because for you they must have breasts in order to be female.

Are they an indicator for a female? Certainly, are they are required for the reptilian race Blizzard made the model to be based off of, no, as Blizzard decided and made it.

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That road is not worth going down. I recommend putting them on ignore and then sticking to it.

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The reptilian origins for all other draconic races have breasts present, they are definitely pandering to a crowd that wants gender neutral races. I do not want gender neutral races. I’m not a part of that crowd. Blizzard so far doesn’t even have a female form, they are default male, they use one draconic form that is male. It has some hams but other than that it’s a gangly twink.

I want my dragon to have breasts, and I want my dragon to have brawn. If they’re not there, I don’t want the expac. Simple as.


well lemme see:

painted claws? no? uh ok, tendrils of scales that hang down in twirling strands from their scalps, like hair? no? um, false eyelashes? lipstick? eh?
erm, yeah, males. cant have breasts or make up (really make up on a lizard lol) or nail…err claw polish. its a whole race of males

Forcing human notions of sex/gender on lizards who don’t have obvious physical sex differences is weird IMO.

Maybe ask for a glyph so they stay in their humanoid form or something, if it’s really that important to you.


That you chose to play a race with them rather than without them, but are vying for a race to not have them instead?

Okay, then off to your own thread where you talk about how much you enjoy the current form rather than this thread. Thanks~

It’s masculine leaning, so again you’re wrong there. Seems you’re the one that doesn’t know anything about androgyny or gender-neutrality in the first place.

I’ll bite. What’s feminine about Dracthyr to you, specifically? What separates the genders? :3

Attempting to tell others to do that is a form of harassment, just so you’re aware. Should read through the Welcome! Please read thread and links.


Blizz please improve the dragon form, it’s too much like the Zandalari boomkin form, give us the thick bois


No. The humanoid form is 10x worse than the dragonform. Give me the dragon boobs. The very least I’ll settle for is two separate male/female models with apparent body structure differences.

Not everything has to be the embodiment of human beauty.

If everything is beautful then nothing is.

Wow stands out from japanese MMOs because it isnt afraid to be ugly, its boring when everything has flawless human skin and faces.


Make up for dragons would be cool.

Just need some falsies or hey, maybe she’s born with it.

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i realize they are biologically un-suited for mammary glands. wasnt the point, honestly

If this was r/WoW I’d give you a silver award.

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Beauty isn’t some like dissipating standard that stops being beautiful just because a lot of it is around. This whole Syndrome ‘If everyone is super no one is’ quote only applies if you take it at face value and don’t actually do any critical thinking.

WoW has ugly races here and there, but they all are AESTHETICALLY SENSIBLE AND PLEASING. They tend to fit their general fantasy contemporaries. They have dimorphism. They are stylized, but proportional. Meanwhile the dragon twinks are gangly, they’re disproportionate, and the dimensions of their bodies are all wrong. I don’t WANT to play ugly characters. I want BEAUTY. I want STYLE.