Dracthyr needs masculine and feminine dragon form

I agree with you and the op both. But I say they put in these style of modals with customization the more the better, giving players more options is always a good thing.

There’s a reason…

I’m mostly against the typical design regarding gender in this game, which is inflated males on steroids and “overly realistic but only realistic as a skinny girl” female. If we were talking about gendered traits that aren’t dependant on people’s perception of how human beings are supposed to be, I might not have an issue. But, again, if we’re going to break gender norms, might as well just enable that customization for both genders and call it a day. It’s just easier and gets the point across.

I’m not sure about the blandness. Maybe it’s the lack of armor that gives that vibe. Armor with volume, btw, because the “texture armor” from vanilla is going to look bad. I’m not against additional customization, maybe some body variation, the more the better.

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They are lizards, they don’t have a need for mammary glands. If we were dealing with mammals then yes that would be characteristic to look for in females but we are dealing with dragons. An egg laying race so mammary glands are not needed.


i’m aware of this. but because dracs are the only race in the game that is not allowed to look female as we know females to look, the whole race just looks male as we know males to look.

i realize this. that isnt the point.

Welcome to the real world, where gender indicators are relative!

in this case it isnt relative because all indicators are that its male.

I think the drakthyr’s dragon form are meant to be neutral gender, which is why they give you the mortal forms, though I could be wrong about it, also the race could be in early development as they only wore a tabard, and few 3D armor pieces, also not too long ago, there were data files for genders to either be male, female, or both.

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its not neutral tho. its male until further notice.

Also, they are very neutral in appearance, I like that about them.

That’s where we differ, I hate that about them. It’s dull and uninspired. I don’t want some skinny, unidentifiable, nerdoid chicken-raptor. I want for this vaunted “physicality” they pined about to be present in both male and female forms. There’s a reason no one uses the Zandalari Boomkin form. Because it looks like a gangly wimp and doesn’t inspire the kind of heroism (in the Greek tradition, not marvel good guy garbage) that VIDEO GAMES require of their characters. Character design tells a story and Blizzard wants to lock us into these ugly twinks. Bodyslider, two genders, or fix the base design to not look like a reskinned femworgen.

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That is the point, Dragons do not need breast in dragon form. Just like there are no need for them on Ararkkoa, Jinyu, and Tortollans. They only difference is Sethrak where they made Sethraliss smaller than the male Sethrak frame wise.

If we’re going to be stupid and disingenuous with the “muh realism” argument, then let’s just go to the point. Female lizards are larger than their male counterparts, ergo there should be a more muscular and larger female option. Right now they are basic stand-in males by both aesthetic and “realistic” views.

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If they’re gonna keep with their design they’re gonna need to put Evokers as other races available so people can avoid playing it if they dislike the final design.

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AGAIN, i completely comprehend the biology of it, that doesnt stop it from visually looking like a guy with scales and claws but not a gal with scales and claws. if the only way we can express gender neutral is erase what we can easily recognize as female, the whole race just looks male. is this default reality? just guys ? dont get me wrong. i am a fan of the male of the species.

gamers walking outside: “that must be a male tree, it doesn’t have breasts”


Yes I understand that there is one design, the svelte form that players customize and then make it look male or female for visage design.

But svelte shouldn’t be the only form available for those who don’t want a skinny dragon.

Yes that’s what I’m complaining about. I don’t care about the ‘visage’ forms, they’re all ugly anyway and there’s no saving that Cats 2019 design implementation. It’s doomed.

But the dragonform can be saved by giving us options away from skinny twink, and offering male/female forms.

We’re already at the “Reddit does it better” stage and it has been ONE day.
h ttps://pbs.twimg.com/media/FQwkOJ5XoAAIAsy?format=jpg&name=4096x4096

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It seem more like you are being stupid and disingenuous because looking at WoW lore, not realism there is no male or female dragon form when looking at them. You also seem to have forgotten that Blizzard pulled from real world inspiration to create the game. So it is not stupid to point to that when you see that reflected in the lore.

Lastly I would love to see a race were the females are the larger more muscular of the two. If we got ogres I want this to be the case for them.

I don’t think anyone would have cared 10-15 years ago but now there is an agenda to push and I believe this is part of that agenda.

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