Dracthyr needs masculine and feminine dragon form

in this case, it just means no female parts, since reptiles dont indicate male gentalia but dont need mammaries, all reptiles look male.

See? This is what we’re talking about. The same generic treatment repeated over and over again on every single race and when one looks different, people want to botch everything up and do it all over again.

Dracthyr doesn’t require gendered traits.


The ONLY way Blizzard should even think about adjusting the models is if it’s a customization available to BOTH genders. There is absolutely no reason that males need to look like they ate a refrigerator. I am HAPPY that we have a slim male playable race FINALLY.


Maybe dragons are like cats and you have to lift their tails to find out…

We already have slim playable races though so what’s that all about? If you’re going to make an argument at least be honest about it. Sheesh.

More options would be great. It’s a new race/class, they should be aiming to make it appeal to as many people as possible, not just one person with some stank opinion.

in this case, it just looks male. a whole race of males.

I felt similar when viewing them in the character creator or just flat poses. The ingame animated
view changed my opinion of their proportions from ok to great. Maybe it’s just me

So what people that have large muscles can’t read?

If you think they don’t need gendered traits (for some reason that still we don’t know, besides this things being reptiles in essence [which reptiles still are different depending on gender]) then can I assume that they look is too bland for a dragon?.

If not then we don’t have a common ground to understand each other opinions, because for me, at least, they look bland.

Don’t get me wrong, I will play them anyways, but room for improvement (for me at least) is there.

Which existing male model is slim? They all have biceps as wide as their chest and chests as wide as a refrigerator, with necks like tree trunks.


I am FINE with that compromise. I don’t care if they call it Body Type 1 and Body Type 2 or Heavy and Light or whatever, though the shoulders on the current form do need widened a bit or the proportions need changed because they are proportionately bad, but I would rather have OPTIONS. Right now I don’t even want to play what is admittingly a cool class concept, because the ONLY RACE THAT CAN BE THEM makes me want to THROW UP IN MY MOUTH.

They’re probably leaning hard into “dragons are reptiles and not mammals” column for the female design.

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Cool, then we can be in agreement. The current models don’t need to be changed. They can add body type options - the same options for BOTH genders.

Hi. I am a male undead. You were saying?

You don’t understand. There ISN’T a female design. THERE’S ONE DESIGN. ONE.

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Nightborne, Vulpera, Goblin, Gnome, Blood Elf, debatably Night Elf males…

None of those apply, I guess. :man_shrugging:

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Not slim, not slim just tiny, not slim just tiny, not slim just tiny, not slim, NOT slim.

Y’all have been playing WoW so long that you’ve lost your sense of what “slim” actually means… Look at the arms/shoulders/neck in nightborne, blood elves, and night elves for example. In no world is that slim.

I mean, have you seen how beefy your shoulders and neck muscles are?

yes and it looks male because it doesnt have mammaries, even though a reptile typically doesnt

You can see my litteral bones.

They are all slim. I don’t know what else to tell you.