Dracthyr, NEED more Classes

-Spends 20 years fighting Dragons in WoW that can tank a whole raid

-finally gets a playable dragon class

-Dragon class cant tank anything


No dragon that tanked a raid lives to tell the tale.


As I said.

I didn’t say that. I said what I said and what I said is true

Last I checked Wrathion was still standing. And his daddy the guy behind this race only went down because of Mcguffin interference.

The problem was you acted like vague statements with no real meaning or intent should calm people down. After the monk feedback fiasco that was Shadowlands beta I don’t care about vague and indeterminate anymore.

Well do we know if we have any interviews or anything coming up? Hoping to get some more information on the race and their exact plans for it.

Expansion hasn’t even launched yet BUT I KNOW WHAT IT DESPERATELY NEEDS TO FIX IT


Right because the community has never been right about things needing changing. I mean it was totes wrong about covenants swapping, conduit power, you know the whole #pulltheripcord thing.


Yeah not having any other class options is completely lame and would like to see other classes.


I seriously dont undertand HOW there are NO Drak Warriors. I mean dragon scales alone would be a fantastic racial that increases armor.


Trust me I keep going over it in my head wondering who at blizzard check marked a major feature of the expansion not being availble to a whole role in the game.


And I love listening to the two anti groups.

  1. “Lore” folks acting like there is a hidden string of information in the game that shows the set up and payout for this, vs it actually being really new and mutable and could be adjusted to make other classes viable.
  2. Ranged DPS folks who act like no one should be able to touch the class or make adjustments because it’s their first new thing and anything other than a healer touching it would taint it and make it different.

I mean I would rather the Lore get adjusted now before launch and open up even just warriors for the race vs. them making a whole new spec for the class.


I am all for the Dracthyr getting new classes besides the Evoker class, but giving the Dracthyr access to classes like warrior, hunter, druid etc., before the expansion even comes out, and that the Dracthyr haven’t been seen lore wise since at least the time setting for Warcraft 2 (RTS game), just doesn’t make any sense to force the Dracthyr to learn any of the existing classes, before making their WoW debut.

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They are created beings. Just like having the skillset of being evokers being programmed in their brains, classes too could had been programmed into their brains.


I mean it makes as much sense as this perfect army being all one trick ponies with no real frontline to help with conflicts. Or this race just seeing other people for the first time and all of them going well better look like them.


Exactly. The current lore behind it is a bit silly.

There’s just no reason to shift a dragon down into a humanoid form if they’re not going to be more versatile than a dragon.

Right now they’re just smaller, squishier dragons with zero advantages since they aren’t leaning into versatility. It’s kind of pointless.

And yes, I know they use abilities from all of the flights but at that rate just have one dragon from each flight. You’d presumably have a group of individuals if they’re soldiers anyway. lol


Well, the new customization options they showed are really cool!

Makes me want to play one even more but they still don’t have additional class options. I just really can’t see the reasoning behind putting this much effort into creating a race and them limiting it to one class… especially one class that excludes a portion of the playerbase. lol


I agree I’m loving the look with the beefier body but nothing to play on as a main.

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I want to play as a Dracthyr. I just hate being forced to be an Evoker to do so. Every race can be at the very least a Warrior. Not anymore! They made most of this lore up. Not sure why it couldn’t include more than just this.



It’s honestly abysmal that people are trying to actually justify a one-class-race. That’s so, so incredibly stupid. It’s like they learned the opposite lesson they should have when it came to DHs in that class exclusivity is stupid.

Then again, what else is new with Blizzard’s absolute insistence that every member of a race is a carbon copy of each other.


Likewise, Evoker needs to be available to other races. If you want to be a lizard person and that’s your thing, that’s cool with me, but it’s not for me. I completely forgot there was even a new class this expansion because I am completely unwilling to play as a lizard person so it might as well not even exist for me, even though I would love to and have been asking for a new healing and ranged class for a long time now, a new ranged class since the game came out!