Drac'thyr Mock-up in Evoker Tier

It’s not though.

I don’t mind if certain options are disabled because of concerns like this. But it seems like they started with the assumption that Drac’thyr will not wear armour, and later began to “work their way up” to enabling a few slots (shoulders, tabard, belt).

I would much rather them start with the assumption that all armour should be visible, and start “working their way down,” chopping problematic slots, like cloaks, hands, or feet. Like Mechagnomes.

At the very least, I would want to see the chests and legs enabled. Helmets would be a perk: surely if we can tolerate the Tauren, we can make Drac’thyr work.


What’s amazing to me is that unlike other races such as Worgen and (old) orcs, the Drachtyr have a really straight up stance, which would help mogs look really good on them.
And again, if a mog does look bad, we already have the power to hide it, just extend that option to the legs and trust the users to decide?


While I can sympathize with the work that needs to be done to retrofit all existing mail items onto a brand new (and restrictive) skeleton, I see absolutely nothing wrong with the argument you’ve made here.

If a tier set is being designed specifically to fit onto a class that can only be played by a single race, then we darn better well get to see the items of that set on said race.


Better than what I came up with.


Blizzard should work on making armor work like it does on every single race in the game. Why is the Drakthyr so restrictive?


I think they tested the idea on Mechagnomes and , well… 12 of us went with it. Sorry everyone.

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damn that looks sweet

refering to the dragon form
honestly I dont like anything other than shoulders, cuffs and legs as they have pictured

a belt would break the silhouette up and I dont think it would look good

the helm looks awesome as well

I posted the above way back when. I guess we passed the test, if they’re willing to repeat?

You are truly a soothsayer. What knoweth ye of other futures?

FWIW, I’ve also been asking for the Dragon Isles, a draconic race, a draconic class, and a customizable drake mount for years. :slight_smile: I think my predictive powers are shot, now that all my wishes have been granted.

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Pfft, imagine not running around in the nude.

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If they can try to look into letting people play with Visage form in combat, they can look into letting us wear more armor.

I really wanted to use the Ardenweald branch anklets :frowning:


That would be better than just some chest piece that also covers my no nos… :joy:

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I should hope that, at the very least, we get some interesting Evoker-specific tabards. But even then, there are some interesting tabard/chest interactions that we’d be depriving the Drac’thyr of with this approach.

Being a lizard is 100 times better than being a gnome.


I don’t mind either, but I just hope that if we are locked into lizard form we have more flexibility with what we’re wearing.


I just hope that the developers aren’t taking the requests for flexibility as permission to neglect the draconic form entirely. I want to play as a dragon, not their visage form. I don’t want the same fate that befell Druids to befall Drac’thyr from the outset.


Hear hear!

Although, on that note, I wouldn’t mind throwing them a bone with a Tinker class a couple expansions down the line.

I’d rather fight alongside a goblin in a mech than a Gnome pretending to be a Warrior.