Drac'thyr Mock-up in Evoker Tier

User “elderu” put this together over on the MMO-C forums:

I have to say… this looks really good.

I hope Blizzard puts in the effort to make at least the Evoker tier set as visible as possible on the Drac’thyr model. Shoulders are belts aren’t enough, especially when the new Evoker sets are being designed exclusively for this race.


Shoulder/belt/tabard. The hard part of that would be the leg movements. With the high, birdlike ankle and the reverse hip, getting realistic looking armor movements would be nearly impossible. But it would be cool if tier had some unique affect on their true form.


Yeah, if hands and feet aren’t tenable, I’m fine with that. If they can’t go back and make, like, the Ten Storms mail kilt visible on Drac’thyr, again, that’s fine. But the new Evoker gear, designed specifically for this race? Surely they can make some exceptions.


I hope so, as I’m not really interested in being a diaper lizard all the time. Otherwise, if they do make the Visage form available in combat I will use that as much as possible, assuming some of the animations will still turn me into a dragon.


Worgen would like to disagree


Does the new class has fatality finish like in mortal kombat?

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I have no qualms with a scant few Evoker sets existing that we can then “build around” for our transmog sets. I’m just not sold on the implementation as is. I want to be a dragon all the time and show off my style. I don’t want to be a glorified Druid.


Yeah, I get that the wings might look awkward with cloaks or whatever… but I just want them to be treated with at least the same amount of care as Mechagnomes. Is that too much to ask? :slight_smile:

I also really hope that the dragon form is what we see on the forums.


like the posting Profile pic? yeah. i would want that but there should be an option (if possible) to click which one is seen when viewing the armory or viewing the PfP

There are multiple in-game races that already have this leg structure.


We both know there won’t be. :slight_smile: Worgen is our example. Blizzard is going to be considering one of these as the “primary” form. I just hope that the dragon fans don’t get the Druid treatment on this one.

If they’re not letting us be full-fledged dragons and are opting for a humanoid draconic form, that compromised form should be given the same care any other playable race would receive. I’m not above compromise, but only getting to see gear on shoulders, tabards, and belts is more than a little underwhelming.

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Do Arrakoa show leg armor? I looked and couldn’t find any. There are some with textured legs. That could be a good workaround, maybe.

Tauren, Draenei, Worgen, and Vulpera do. Digitigrade legs are not a new thing in WoW.


That’s not the same thing. Unless you’re asking for them to reverse the pelvis and the spine, but that would make them less bird/Dino and more anthro. Which may be a bridge too far.

They have literally the same leg structure, dude.

h ttps://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/R9x8B_rqwnUnnCqagi9azc-WbGc=/0x0:1364x878/1200x800/filters:focal(540x129:758x347)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/70767121/Dracthyr_Dragon_Form_Full_body5.0.jpg

h ttps://wow.zamimg.com/uploads/screenshots/normal/802852.jpg

There is NOTHING on the Dracthyr that should be a problem modeling onto. Cut off shoes at the ankles like they do literally every other playable race with this exact same leg structure.


Now that the honeymoon phase is ending, I am becoming a little more critical of a few designs. This is one of them. If they want to show off the model? Allow people to hide their armour. Which they can already do. Are they trying to enforce the draconic fantasy by showing as many scales as possible?


Depending on how far the body shape options go, that could also screw with things a lot. The way armor with 3D armor works, they’d need to create a variant of the gear models for every different Dracthyr body shape which probably isn’t happening.

women worgen do and they are using their skeleton

If they manage to apply armor to the dragons. the Xmog window needs to be able to save separate xmog for the Dracthyr form vs the Visage form.

also. Dracthyr should get the hide option for ALL slots because dragons dont need armor. that should remain an option.

the dracthyr tabard is a new model. granted its in the barber shop but if we have the armor chages, it could go into the xmog section and all other tabards could project their textures onto that to make those work. :thinking:

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I remember some of the Worgen armor bugs with mogs getting stuck and stretched out at the feet. I wonder if that will happen with the Dracthyr.