Dracthyr look ridiculously awful

I love the female “human” form customization.
That’s… where it ends with things I like about dracthyr.

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Now, that is a much more reasonable assessment.

As presented in your OP, not so much.

I think the overlap of people into furry ‘content’ who play dracs is far greater than the overlap of people who play gnomes and like midget ‘content’.

I mean there’s the dev who supposedly did the art for the dracs and their twitter is pretty uhhh, suspect to say the least. But maybe that’s just my bias towards furries and their unending need to fap.

Either way I just want the dragon race to be better.


The author of Drac’thyr is a furry/scaly artist, it’s not a secret.


I had the same issue with the new Godzilla from Legendary Films. “Big Guy’s” head is a bit too small, but I got used to it. Love the new Godzilla!! I grew up on the original Godzilla movies.


I mean can’t really blame them when its Blizzard who hired them, so clearly they deem deviantart furry art fit for WOW universe.

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I just showed my kid Final Wars (which I love, as flawed as it is, even for a Godzilla movie) and now he wants to get into the entire back catalogue. :slight_smile:


And a new Godzilla fan is born. That’s so cool! :slightly_smiling_face:


I know! It’d just be nice if the race felt more like it fit in-universe and not in-universe-on-a-furaffinity-page. It’s just kinda jarring and too on the nose. Snout? Take your pick.

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I’m playing them because I wanted to be a Lizard, and they’re the only Lizard I have.

They have a place in my heart, but I would have wanted Drakonids as a playable race more.

You do not speak for me otherwise, browbeater.

If they’d made the dracthyr heads more anvil shaped & a bit larger, it’d be like combining 2 of my fav things, cats and godzilla.

But they didn’t. I’m trying one anyway but I don’t find them interesting so I don’t play them much.
While there are those who really like them, I think there’s more that do not, going by how many I see.

It’s too bad but that’s life.


Yeh, for me the ability to not show mail and back weapons was actually a selling point for Dracthyr. I liked the way they looked, and I liked that I could hide basically everything. :slight_smile:

My only gripe is that they won’t let the race with permanent wings on its back fly. :frowning:


I will be as well, but first I’m getting my main geared, then I’ll try a Dracthyr. Just started on the Primal Storms for gear.

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When trying it out, there’s some things that stood out to me. I noticed I started comparing it to my DH, I only have 1 because they don’t really interest me much either as I prefer rogues but that’s me.

What got me though is the limited flight/glide capabilities. And it’s kind of odd to rely on a flying mount when you have wings. Others have mentioned this and now I get where they were coming from.

Then the combo of melee & distance because they have a shorter span of attack so I often end up too close.
Idk if I’ll keep it but I am giving it a shot. I tried with pandas too, still don’t have one so I’ll see if it gets better.


This pretty much sums up Dracthyr.


Were they going for authoritative? Gotta be, right? Autoratative isn’t a word.

OP, thank you for perfectly articulating what was on most of our minds.

They could have the most perfect gameplay too, I’d never touch one.


I don’t think they look awful. Doesn’t make me want to play one, though. I didn’t take them up on their free trial.

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An Anti-Scaly, welcome to the brotherhood, we die here!
Jokes aside, Dracthyr does look bizarre, and I bare little interest in them, but the one I did level was somewhat fun. Utilizing Pyre and the Two Big Boi Spells you’re almost assured top damage, if you do it right, it’s a powerhouse often used without much knowledge. But, that’s about all I can say, it’s another hero class, I’m content with Warlock. And I simply await DH and Evoker to go the way of the Legion DK for me… I didn’t like Legion DK and I haven’t returned to one since. Plus I don’t mind bizarre, I read Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures, I’ve seen stranger things. (Wait I don’t mean I’ve… Actually I have seen Stranger Things; I didn’t want to see it at first but, it’s great too!)

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Blizz should have let us vote on the model and some of the animations. One of the casts looks like the Dracthyr is vomiting. :rofl: