Dracthyr Human Forms SHOULD be usable in combat

It’s literally a mortal melded with dragonkin. And I never said it was exactly the same. I said it was similar. Because it is. It’s an experiment created by merging mortal and dragon in some fashion. Yes, the point is there. Maybe stop acting so obtuse.

You’re not even arguing your original point anymore.

But since you refuse to see all aspects and angles, I’m not even continuing this with you. Get your head out of your little closed up box and see the bigger picture.

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Doesn’t even need to be a glyph; just have it work this way on default. Problem solved. However some believe that because they want or believe that Dracthyr should always be in Dracthyr form during combat that everyone else should be forced to. Cannot believe people advocate for less player choice and freedom of expression…

Unfortunately I think this is the way it will probably go. Which is disappointing, but not surprising I suppose to watch Blizz make the same mistake again.

Cool, so put on some toys and you’ve got your Elf Evoker.

And I’m talking about Guardian and Feral. My Guardian Druid friend doesn’t play Balance or Resto, so it doesn’t matter.

Edit: I’m about to yeet my phone if it doesn’t stop failing to quote people because the quote button doesn’t work on the side of the screen.

Just because druid forms are not designed well doesn’t mean we can’t have Dracthyr work differently. Druid forms are already in the game and would have to be retrofitted to work differently. Dracthyr are still new and there is still time to change the behavior BEFORE it goes live so the framework doesn’t have to be reworked later.


And Dracthyr are essences of dragons mixed with the adaptability of mortals, almost the exact opposite.

It’s the opposite, as I already stated.

And again, the Dracthyr are dragon essences given mortal adaptability. There is not even mention of a base creature being used.

The point that something that is not related therefore it is? Sounds like insanity. “The sky is green because it is blue!”

I have been this entire time, but I suppose it is easier to “win” an argument by claiming your “opponent” is just wrong with no proof to back it up.

I am literally looking at this the most while you claim “DRACTHYR ARE DRACTHYR BECAUSE DRACTHYR!” without even engaging in the thought of looking at this through any other lens… So hypocritical.

And there it is: “I am right and you are wrong!” I suppose when you decide to ignore the evidence of your eyes it is easy to claim “victory”… in a once-civil discussion…

Clearly because things are bad back then things should always be bad!

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I disagree that they aren’t designed well. It separates them from other classes.

Truth be told, it seems like Blizzard shot themselves in the foot by even adding a visage form. Should’ve just been the dragon at this point because if Elves are an option, people want to claim that.


My issue with Dracthyr is that…well, not only is it only one race = one class but also the lack of other forms. They really missed the ball on not allowing more than just Blood Elf/Human forms as the base to behave exactly like Worgens. I really hope they expand this. If we’re suppose to be something that looks like a representation of the Dragonflight (Which we don’t know yet but given what we seen, that’s possible?) we should be able to be gnomes, orcs, w/e. The Dragonflight can basically be w/e humanoid form they’ve seen but why is the Dracthyr incapable of it, especially when they have all five dragonflights’ powers.

As for the actual topic in question, I can see…some reasoning, Dracthyr’s abilities look more like something that MUST be done in their original form. Not because they can’t maintain it but then have to fight with animations not working without what’s included. We did see them fly and attack in a strafing-fiery-breath-run. And their human forms do not support it. But if it were to be possible, I guess they could sprout wings like Demon Hunters when they double jump, I dunno…

I’m more iffy about how limited Dracthyr are, in terms of class, customization, etc. Its so damn weird they cannot even be Warriors at least and I better hope they make it happen in the future because one class for one race is far too limiting. Reminds me how much I hate Tera because only ONE race can be something but not only that but you have to be female too, extremely baffling. So I am giving Blizzard a slip for the new additions but I better see them giving Dracthyr more options as time goes on.

The think is druids already let you do that with the forms. The dragonform already doesn’t let you do that, it seems unless they make animations for the visage forms.

Like some disguises do nothing when my monk does fists of fury, yet when I am on my druid tanking I can do most animations with him and still have the same spell effects, just using the weapon animations when I am attacking.

This is something they can do by designing animations for the class in visage form. And then evokers will be able to use disguises.

I also think we should be able to play the other classes using the visage form. And it feels bad that the new race doesn’t have access to any other classes. It would be like them giving void elves only shadowpriests or nightborne only mages. Or high mountain only hunters. Or lightforged only paladins. It’s just a weird restriction.

I kind of agree. I personally don’t like the dragon form very much. Seeing the visage (which I like a lot better) but not being able to play in that form is just adding additional frustration.


If the dragon form let you use all or most transmog slots it would be ok. But it’s only limited customization via the barbershop. Meaning basically the whole class is a moonkin form and the race since its only one class one race.

I would have rather had a dragon form with transmog slots and other classes then the way they are doing it. The visage form customizations should have been given to the base races if we aren’t going to be able to use them in combat.

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Personally, I think Dracthyr should just be dragon. Kind of like primal drakes that have no humanoid form. Just remove the humanoid form altogether. I will never use it anyway and I plan to main Dracthyr.

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This I agree with, and I do hope that the dragons get other options in the future. If I don’t enjoy the Evoker, I’d still like the option to be a dragon.

Though for the expansion I’m curious to see how it plays out and I can appreciate them trying something new.

Yeah, I really think they missed the mark by even giving the option. It should’ve been a full dragon and no option, giving the choice has caused more problems than it solved.

Lore debates aside. Comparisons to other classes aside. Animation bugets, technical aspects, and all other factors aside: I dislike the dragon form, I like the visage form. If I am not able to play in visage form I will probably not play it. Just like worgen. This is a personal opinion, and as such it’s irrelevant to any larger argument about what is ‘correct’. But I suspect that I am not the only one who holds this opinion, and if Blizz wants me (and others like me) to engage with their content, I would request they make the option available.

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Yeah, at this point it’s a matter of opinions just don’t match up.

Dragon form in combat please. Human form optional only. I don’t want another blood elf toon that only takes their dragon form temporarily. For that, I’d play demon hunter.


This was a complaint with the worgen as well? Worgen hasn’t been changed?

Since they are doing it again it must not be a huge concern. I have a feeling most people playing worgen forgot they had a human form. I know I did.

It’s mean to give us all these awesome looks and only limit it to a class that you have to stay in dragon mode in. Those looks would be appreciated on classes like warrior, shaman, druid, mage, monk, rogue, priest, paladin etc. And this is the first time we see two-tone hair. Unless they provide that to other races then I have to wonder why include visage form to such a limited race/class.


Worgen’s human forms are playable though. Besides human druid. Everything is playable on them. These customizations are only for the new race/class.

Especially with the new tier sets…

The new race won’t be able to use the new armor sets >.> it’s so messed up.