Dracthyr Human Forms SHOULD be usable in combat

If you want to play a human, just play a human :slight_smile:

Sorry the sarcasm just happens sometimes. Worgen players have been asking for this for years.

Humans don’t get access to that awesome two-tone hair. They put all that customization on a race that can be a dragon only basically for one class…

Maybe the hair only gets that color when you hold down the button to "power"it up …

So it’s a bad thing that Blizzard feeds scraps to the RP community every once in a while? Also I spend a lot of my WoW time out of combat, I don’t only log in to raid log and M+.

The option is there to be in that form out of combat. But you are a dragon.

Dragons, in canon, also are nearly always in dragon form while they’re fighting. Because that’s what they are.

Again, what is being presented is a class unique to a race to be able to use the full body of that race. What people are asking for is an Elf version of the class, which defeats the purpose of restricting the class to the race. People here are asking for them to only be dragons when using those spells that use the full body, so quite literally people are asking for Metamorphosis for Elves and Humans and I’m very much against that.

The dragon is the race. The visage is the temporary form that dragons take when not threatened or in combat. That’s how it should be. The Evoker class uses dragons as forms, just as Druids use bears and cats. That’s how it should stay.

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Or nerf DK lol

But I am a hero class, I am supposed to be better than all the other classes

That’s exactly the point, The Dragon itself is the race, the visage was more than likely to give people the gender identity of what the race is considering the drake form will be Neutral.

I understand your position. There is something to be said for adopting the race/class identity that you present. You are dragon! Be Dragon! That is a totally valid character identity and I believe you should be able to stay in the dragon form at all times if you like. But I also want to be able to stay in visage form at all times if I like.
Your race/class fantasy identity does not have to conflict with mine. They can both be true.

Dragons generally transform in combat when fighting something huge or an army or when making a point… Dracthyr dragon form is about as small as their visage form. A dracthyr is small, and their transformation doesn’t net them a tactical edge

Then maybe blizzard should have acted like that instead of putting all the customization into a part of the race we’ll never see.


No because you can only use dragon form in combat.

You can choose to not play the class or you can deal with having to shift into a form like Druids, Worgen and to a lesser extent Shadow Priest shadow and void forms “ruining transmog” for well over a decade now.

You are literally complaining about a core mechanical identity of the race/class to be removed from the game because you don’t like the dragon form. Sounds like Evoker isn’t a fit for you.


And you know how much customization the dragon form is getting? If so, could you share the full breadth of it so I can make mine? I’d love to see where you got every customization option being given to the dragons.

And that’s fair. People are plenty free to disagree with me, but I’ll raise my voice up all the same for my preference.

As I asked above, have you seen all of the options for the dragons, and if so could you please share the link? I’d really love to play around with those options to make my dragon ahead of time.

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Sounds like i don’t like it because they’re marketing a druid form as an entire race instead of giving it any meaningful customization, and maybe i want the part of the race you can customize a lot to be visible in combat

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A race that can only play as one class. You have a pretty terrible argument here.

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Yes. My argument is bad because options are scary and we shouldn’t have any.


The problem is, it does. As I said above, the way you want the Evoker to work is like asking for a Druid that can tank out of bear form. That isn’t the class that Blizzard has created, and I just do not think it should be changed, regardless of individual class fantasy.

I respect your belief that both can be true, and also looking for a middle ground. I personally just don’t think this is something that should be compromised on when their reasoning for limiting the Evoker is because of the Dragon. Because given your options, they should just give Evoker to other races because the lore they created for them no longer matters.


Because the Dragonform is the actual race.

Cool. Then until I’m shown otherwise, the dragons have plenty of customization options and your point is moot.

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Why are paying that much attention to your character model and looks during combat…

“I want to be the dragon race without the dragon form” Sounds silly to me. Its like I want the cat dps form from druid but not actually being the cat to dps.


I want to be the Evoker class without the Dracthyr is my issue. I just dislike the look of the race as it seems disproportionate and does not accurately represent a dragon scaled down to a humanoid size. Where in other cases there are multiple race options for classes, Evoker can only be Dracthyr and Dracthyr can only be Evoker, restricting players to take both the race package and the class package all at once. Many are advocating just for more options since Blizzard seems reluctant to loosen the restrictions of race and class availability for the other.

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