Dracthyr Human Forms SHOULD be usable in combat

No, they’ll just consider deleting or merging your thread into an already existing one and if you keep offending, then you’ll be snoozed on the forums for a few days.

Again, the visage form is not natural for them and limits them. Their lizard form is their natural form. They didn’t start out as a human/elf and then turn into a dragon, they started out as a dragon and learned to suppress their body into a human/elf form for interacting with regular species of humanoid life.


One of the things I never liked about FF14 was the cop-out type B humans.

They have humans.
Slender long neck humans.
cat ear humans.
Bunny ear humans.
Scaled humans (looking at you Dracthyr ala Au Ra)
and chucky dolls.

That is to say, I like more exotic races (relatively speaking, at this point tauren are not exactly exotic in the grand scheme of things but its better than the Elf Omega B+ variant) so I will continue to vote against out of combat form being usable in combat.


I want Blizzard’s version. That version is cool. I don’t want them to change the dracthyr to something stupid because some people cry because it’s not what they wanted. Not that I worry about that. They aren’t changing it.

What about the evoker gameplay showcase makes people think it’s even feasible for a human or elf to be doing that.


Good thing is, nothing needs to be changed or removed from the Dracthyr for players making requests to get what they want. So, YOU can still play the Dracthyr of your dreams.

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I don’t think it matters. I really think they can’t from a technical perspective. If they can then whatever. even if they could I doubt they will. good luck

Maybe, maybe not.

Seems as simple as coding the toggle to shift back when not in an animation. Of course, the alternative could also be as simple as adding more classes to the Dracthyr, and allowing THOSE classes to remain in the humanoid form 24/7 if they choose. If Evoker is too strongly tied to animations and the Dracthyr form, at least allowing people to blend in with other races as another class works.

I think that has a high probability of happening /s

I think the people at blizzard are usually exceptional when it when it comes to art and design. I like what they made here.

Pretty much the icing on the cake for me as far as NOT being excited about the expansion.

Been waiting YEARS for a new ranged class and not only do they restrict it to a new race BUT it’s just like Worgen and I’ll be in an animal form when in combat/don’t have the choice to be in and out of dragonform as I choose.

It should have been new race AND new class. People have been waiting for a new ranged class forever … epic fail, bliz.


True it wasn’t a waste of development as they did nothing other than copy paste Stormwind humans. There is nothing unique to Gilneas human form. Even though Blizzard has a second human dance programmed into the game even that waltz is something that would make Gilneas humans unique and yet they will not give it to the race as we have been neglected since Cataclysm. Our lore of being 8 feet tall is ignored, having choices for customization is ignored, Blizzard broke the addon that let players auto revert to human form and instead of making Two Form a toggle ability so you go back after combat is over no you have to push it. Worgen wait for the day we are shown some love.

Please, please, please, please make the visage form playable in combat. Even if it is through a glyph or some other acquirable token. I am super hyped about the visage customization but I’ll never really get to see it while actually playing the game.
Worgen suffer the same problem, and I’m sure you have analytics that can tell you what percentage of time worgen characters spend in human form…my guess is < 1%. All customizations for a form that players never spend time in are wasted design efforts. So I reiterate: Please, please, please, please make the visage form playable in combat.


Don’t have to worry about your Tmog with the new race … you’ll never see it.

I can’t fathom HOW they thought this was a good idea. Lock the first new ranged class into a race that has two forms but only one form in combat that is an animal/furry form even MORE animal than hardly-played Worgen except the NEW furry form doesn’t even show your mog.

I’m completely at a crossroads now. Previously, I got excited for expansion announcements (even if the expansions themselves could turn out to be disappointing). Now I’m faced with the first expansion announcement where there isn’t anything to get excited about other than revamped talent system so I’m already “meh” before I’ve even played the thing.

Could have been a solid win saying “we have a new Dragonish race AND a new dragon themed class” but nope: here’s your new Hero class except you can only play this race and sorry if you main a tank, we got nothing new for you.

Slow hand clap for the Bliz team on this one. Another hit and miss from a team that’s losing touch (or lost it) with the playerbase.


Excellent point!..I also derive a large part of my enjoyment of the game from collecting transmog…and I’ll never see it on the new race. :frowning:

Really Blizz? Just Why?


it isn’t what you wanted so Blizzard sucks. Got it.

Some people like it. Some don’t. That’s perfectly fine


I just like how everyone is like this is bad system… and Worgen players are like… First time?

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really the only feasible point. I wish some of the gear would show.

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Yeah, if Evoker is going to be locked into one race, then maybe that race should have a lot of customization options that you will be able to feasibly see instead of an RP toggle like worgen.

Agree with OP.

Giving players the option to use the humanoid form for combat (outside of dragon animations) is a good thing.

It does not hurt the people who prefer to be dragonoid all the time.

Worgen’s Two Forms implentation completely robs players of their agency in deciding when and how they are a werewolf. You could be flying around in human form and one stray seagull in ZM completely changes you without any you having any say over the matter.

To this day Worgen’s make up less than 2% of the population because of this decision. Because Worgen’s don’t really get to choose.

Do not ruin Dracthyr and the awesome humanoid forms you put so much creative effort into by making the same mistake you made with Worgen.

It’s all made even worse by how little transmog we can see on our characters in dragon form, and lets be honest: Transmog is the only endgame that actually matters.

And really, fix Worgen.


They should be doing things like looking at dropping all the (now inconsistent with lore) race/class restrictions to offer MORE opportunities to the players to make the game that much more appealing.

Instead this new hero class is the most restrictive in the game.

It’s a GIANT step in the WRONG direction.


You’re playing a dragon, so you’ll fight as a dragon. It sounds like a bear or a cat asking to tank/DPS while out of bear/cat form. That’s how the class works since the class and race are the same thing.


Yes! Literally this! This solves 90% of the animation problems, the transmog problem, and the wasted visage design effort problem!