Dracthyr Human Forms SHOULD be usable in combat

It breaks fantasy. Imagine if every race can be demon hunters because reasons. The game would feel different.

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I donā€™t see how it ā€œbreaks fantasyā€ for the Dracthyr to fight while in visage form (with scale and horn customization) using abilities that donā€™t require the dragon form animations, and then swapping to dragon form the abilities that do and then back.


I think everyone has already come to the logical solution but they donā€™t want to admit it. As someones feelings and work will be hurt. I would like to think they can still salvage it and use in some way so I thought another spec was a good idea but stillā€¦ you might come across people in the other spec who have the same EXACT issue. (Not like the animations while in combat or stuck in form) Still I enjoy the idea of another spec this is just meā€¦

I do not play any type of monster race ingame and Blood Elves are the most popular race by a landslide. Void Elves became the most popular Allied race. So it tells them about their customerbase. Something they have hated to acknowledge for so long for some reasonā€¦

Still I keep hopes that we can accommodate ALL players. So I been trying to help the people that are interested in the actual dragon form. (I do believe they have potential to look killer. Unique looking. More so if they gave them armor to wear. ) Personally I am more interested in the elf - human form and hope it gets proper tweaks. I care more about playing the actual class Evoker with "influences " (elements) of aspects didnā€™t necessarily mean I wanted to visually become a dragonā€¦

Hence we get topics like this all week asking for us to stay in Dracthyr human - elf form.


I hope they keep it locked to dragon form in combat. Just throwing my vote in. If you donā€™t want to play as a dragon, donā€™t. There are a lot of other races to choose from.


I do not like the dragon form, but I do like the concept of the visage form and hope they add customization like elf ears. Iā€™d love to play this class, but I donā€™t know if I can if I have to stare at the ridiculous dragon form all the time. If anything, just make them briefly transform during their more powerful attacks, then turn back. I donā€™t know, something. Anything.

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they will. crazy worgen players have been asking for something similar for years. Just play human.

But humans and elves canā€™t do cool dragon stuffā€¦

Itā€™s exclusive to dracthyr. they need to deal with it


I like what theyā€™re doing with them. :thinking: Itā€™s the same as my Worgen.


I am super excited to play this new race! I absolutely love their narrow shoulders, tiny heads, oversized horns, and large feet. If this doesnā€™t scream dragon I donā€™t know what does. I might have some late night fantasies with this one bois.

That is the Problem It is not the same as Worgen!

Worgen do wear armor
But Dracthyr in their Dragon form will not have the actual armor displayed.

If that was the case people would likely not as loud about it.


Iā€™ve always known that to be an image/shade of him. Notice the see-through shadow appearance. Thus, why the image is still there for a second while at the same time we see his Dragon form flying down from the roof and says, ā€œNow, letā€™s see how they contend with the true Lord of Blackrock Spire!ā€ He was just hiding on the roof while projecting the image which simply poofs away as he lands instead of turning into the dragon himself.

Thatā€™s certainly an interesting leap of logic. Do you have any actual evidence to support it? Or are you simply making assumptions?

I mean, when he makes his ā€œtrue lord of blackrockā€ declaration, I always thought he was simply referring to facing him in his true form rather than his visage.

But I suppose neither of us can truly know for certain without dev inputā€¦ unless you have some other source I am not privy to?

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This why the only druid I play will forever be a boomkin. Cause I do not want to stare at a giant ugly thing as I am nuking stuff down. So this new combo does not appeal to me sadly. But hey if others want to play with it thats cool.

As always, I would rather have the choice.


i play Balance, using Glyph of Stars, and Restoration. So ironically my logic here is perfectly in line with my playstyle.

demon hunters using eyebeam enter the room.

If we get Visage combat toggleability(?) then we should also be able to do the same with glyph of stars. Sometimes I like to a cool chicken and the cost of glyphs is burning money.

Iā€™m now on team ā€œask for everything, damn it!ā€ :slight_smile:

i would choose another raceā€¦ if the evokers werent locked behind 1 specific raceā€¦ thats the issue here bozo. Also why would you vote for LESS player customization? just because you might like the dragon form doesnt mean everyone shouldā€¦ They even gave undead the option to not show their bones because some people didnt like having their armor not show. More options are BETTER

I would LOVE for them to give you a toggle-able option for Glyph of Stars. they should definitely make it where you can toggle Glyphs on and off. Its a very basic option in my opinion that SHOULD be added. The only reason they wouldnt do it is because it would kill inscription even more than they already have

My Dracthyr Q&A thread was updated today with the perfect answer for this, but was taken down by the forum Spam Bot. Iā€™m currently working on having it retreived but this is the answer youā€™re all looking for:

ā€œbuffed : The change between human and dragon form - is it purely cosmetic, as with the Worgen, or does the humanoid form have any gameplay influence?ā€

ā€œIon Hazzikostas : Itā€™s something weā€™re actually working through right now internally. We understand thereā€™s definitely desire to be able to be in your humanoid form in combat in a way that you canā€™t be as a worgen. But of course, if youā€™re doing a deep breath or using your wings, you canā€™t do that in humanoid form. We want to give players as much flexibility there as possible. The dragon form certainly isnā€™t like a metamorphosis for demon hunters. It is the innate form that the Evoker takes, and all their abilities will be usable in it. But weā€™re looking to find ways to work humanoid form into combat. But ultimately, we want to let players do what they prefer aesthetically, rather than forcing gameplay based on mechanics.ā€

Source: https://www.buffed.de/World-of-Warcraft-Spiel-42971/Specials/wow-dragonflight-interview-game-director-ion-hazzikostas-grind-rufer-release-drachen-1393543/3/

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oh my gosh its possible. they can find a way to make it work. theres no real lore reason for Druids to be able to appear as stars. Or for their cat to be on fire. Or any of that. Customization is customization. Its something thats purely cosmetic. they can find a way to make them swap into dragon form when necessary and human when not. Its a matter of them listening and caring abt player feedback. but just the fact theyve HEARD us complain about it gives me a tiny bit of hope bc theyve never cared much about player cosmetic choicesā€¦ we get drowned out by systematic complaints (that are equally as valid lol)

yes, yes there is

Balance has or had a strong reference to the stars including mechanics such as eclipse, the shape of stars is simply a representation of this, and the fire cat form is a representation of the corrupted druids for the fire element during Cata, strongly associated with the firelands.

Back to the topic

Honestly those humanoid forms are a waste if they are not going to be visible on a regular basis, the worgen is pretty irrelevant because at the end of the day they are just humans, but the humanoid forms of these Dracthyr is quite unique, at least much more unique than the humanoid form of the worgen, and I would even say that they are better than the entire Void elf race, so relegating them to the same role as the human form of the worgen is a complete waste of the work put into those models.