Dracthyr Human Forms SHOULD be usable in combat

Glide++. The fact blizzard marketed the race as the dracthyr form. Evoker abilities. Them saying you will be dracthyr in combat. take your pick.

some worgen players have been asking to fight in human form for some reason and their human form is capable of making use of the animations of their class. they still don’t have it. so good luck with this.

Not for me it isn’t. To me it makes perfect sense to have to be in your most powerful form in combat.
I’ve tried a few times to play Worgen, but the stupid run animations kill it for me. They run (on 2 legs) like a lumbering idiot, hard pass.


what killed worgen for me was the male worgen body. Everything is funky with it


This clearly isn’t what OP is saying. Why would you interpret it this way?

Option or a glyph please blizzard!!

Does the Glyph of Stars take away from Moonkin Form in the same way then?

Final Fantasy XI and XIV’s Lalafell are androgynous; the only differences between male and female are their underwear and voice.

So that option can be available for you. For other that do not want to be in Dracthyr form during combat however, they can have an option to be in a humanoid visage form instead.

As I demonstrated above, that is incorrect. Even then, it has no bearing on this discussion.

This is not a point. “It’s just madness to me that people are fighting to force others to play in a restrictive way when it doesn’t matter to them at all.”

That is quite the opinion, which is alright, but is not a reason to restrict players in the way the play and engage with the race and class and is counteractive to what Ion directly said: “We want to keep adding in more options for customization and self-expression.”


That’s why people are saying to make it an option, so no one is forced either way.

Lalafell are not androgynous.

Thats all there is to say here.

From Merriam-Webster:

Definition of androgynous

1:. having the characteristics or nature of both male and female

2a: neither specifically feminine nor masculine

b: suitable to or for either sex

3: having traditional male and female roles obscured or reversed

1: Both Dracthyr and Lalafell fall under this definition.
2a: Assuming Dracthyr will have male or female voices even in Dracthyr form, just like dragons, then neither Dracthyr nor Lalafell fall under this definition.
b: Dracthyr falls under this definition but Lalafell does not (however, this may be due to the fact World of Warcraft does not have many or at all sex-specific clothing whereas Final Fantasy XIV does).
3: Neither Dracthyr nor Lalafell fall under this definition.

I guess draw your own conclusions, but they seem to be both androgynous to me.

Furthermore, care to respond to my other points or was this your “gatcha” attempt to avoid actually having a discussion?

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Lalafell have breasts,femmine eye lashes,gender roles and the females have only femmine sounding voices.

So they arent sharing all characteristics and there are clearly depicted femmine and masculine Lalafell.

This convo just aint doing it for me and its not reinforcing your arguement.

A better one were be to suggest Chua from wildstar but that game has since went down.

Also worth noting that all Lalafell npcs in game clearly show a defined gender role,femmine appearance and so forth, while player characters can bend this.

Where? They are as flat as their male counterparts even when sliding the bust size option to 100.

Both males and females have eyelashes; there is no option to change that… I suggest you do what I did and boot up Final Fantasy XIV and double-check yourself.

Such as? And of course you need to show that Dracthyr don’t.

And Dracthyr don’t?

To which Dracthyr could display the exact same.

I suppose this is where you will try to weasel your way out of having a conversation because you cannot defend your opinions. Shame…

Never got around to Wildstar; my PC was too weak to handle it during its prime.

This is assuming that Lalafell do (which they don’t) and Dracthyr won’t. I think you are getting sex-specific clothing and gender roles confused. If you changed the sexes of Tataru, Krile, and Nanamo, for example, nothing would change except for Nanamo’s title switching from Sultanate to Sultan and Tataru’s Endwalker outfit possibly changing. You keep saying there are gender roles for Lalafell yet both sexes do all roles…

I guess I need to mention this yet again, but are you going to respond to any of my other points or conveniently ignore them?

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What am I ignoring? And I cant speak on drakthyr except for their appearance, we dont know much about them.

And you are fixatating on the wrong parts of my post, such as eyelashes, just pointing eyelashes with out the added detail of why I mentioned them in the first place just feels cheap and like wasted time to type this since I can only respond with 1 finger.

Read the lore on lalafell? They have gender roles and sometimes they give woman to other “clans”

Though this sounds mostly like the desert lalas. You also meet some male Lalas who mention they are trying to provide for their families, purely in game motives but just reading the straight up lore goes into this.

The issue is that an entire new race with top-notch customizations, hairstyles, etc along with almost all armor transmog will not be visible for players in combat.
It’s a huge waste of resources and feels bad.

Give us a glyph or let all armor pieces show up in dragon form.


Yet you have already assumed they don’t have gender roles nor differing voices between male and female.

I have responded to your entire post at great length, which you have not.

You brought it up, so I responded and countered it like all your other points.

Again, I responded to your post in its entirety.

How mature… Continue to drive this strawman into the ground, but I painstakingly responded to each and every point yet so far you have fixated on your eyelashes point and nothing else. You are clearly the one fixating while trying to project your own flawed argumentation onto me.

Is this the best you can do? This is the equivalent of “educate yourself” and adds nothing to the conversation; you do not even provide an example to back up your claim. This is honestly pathetic.

Can you provide a source for this claim, because even when doing the work for you all I found was this (taken from Final Fantasy XIV’s Fandom):

The Lalafell are a gnome-like race from the seas south of Eorzea in Final Fantasy XIV. They somewhat resemble the Tarutaru from Final Fantasy XI but their bodies are taller and do not necessarily need to have the Tarutaru’s distinctive dark-colored noses. The race consists of the Plainsfolk, which live in thatched-roof homes and have great hearing, and the Dunesfolk who live in the desert and herd animals.

The Lalafell were originally a group of agriculturalists inhabiting the fertile islands of the south seas. With the introduction of transmarine commerce, they soon found their way to Eorzea via trade routes. They are now one of the more populous races and are well established throughout the region, though they remain averse to cold climates.

The short, rotund builds of the Lalafell belie an incredible agility, and their seemingly feeble legs are capable of carrying them long distances over any terrain. Many among them are also known for possessing highly developed and cunning intellects.

The Lalafell place a great deal of significance on familial bonds, but are by no means unfriendly to outsiders. This is evidenced by the fact that they continue to share prosperous relations with all of the other races of Eorzea.

Nothing here relates to anything about the non-androgynous nature of Lalafell that you claim there is; this is pure fluff. Nothing about the Plainsfolk Lalafell implies any such thing neither.

Side note: the correct term is Dunesfolk Lalafell, not “desert lalas”. A simple Google search is all that is needed to double-check yourself, something I mentioned earlier that you are ignoring on top of everything else. Which reminds me, are you going to mention anything else I have brought up this entire exchange, or continue to pretend it does not exist while claiming superiority? You have yet to prove Lalafell have gender roles as well as females have visible breasts as well as presume Dracthyr will be completely androgynous with no information to claim one way or the other. I get it: you want it this way so you will confirmation bias your way to a predetermined conclusion and strawman any argument to the contrary.

of all the classes you play, you play a druid. Is this irony?

When you do dragon breath attacks are you going to fly over the raid in human form flapping your arms like a chicken before you deep breath.

Yeah… THAT is why.


gnomes and goblins should be “evokers.” Tech solves everything along with some mechanical wings.

There’s really no reason abilities that absolutely require the dragon form can’t swap you into dragon form to perform the animation, and then swap you back to visage form after it’s done if you have visage form toggled on.


FANTASY. Just like how awkward it would be if cat or bear form did the same.

What harm does it do to give those who want it, the option?