Dracthyr Human Forms SHOULD be usable in combat

You do know that when Ion says “they’re looking into it”, it means it’s not happening right?

It’s like this; If you don’t want to be a dragon, don’t play a class designed to make you into a dragon.


Opening with a personal attack just because I disagree with you is not a good look.

More options are not always better. Your argument could be applied to adding ridiculous skins like they have in fortnite. “why would you vote for LESS player customization?”. Having restrictions can help maintain the world and immersion to whatever degree people care about that.

A compromise I would be ok with is you can look like whatever you want, as long as its client side and no one else sees you that way. You can look like a human or elf no matter what class or form you are in as long as no one else sees you that way I’m cool with it.

I also think there is a big misunderstanding about this new class and it being race restricted. It’s not that the new class can only be the new race and vice versa. Its that the new class IS the new race and vice versa.

Having said all of this I don’t feel super strongly about this issue and would not be upset or post complaints on the forums if they decided to cave and give the spammed forum posts what they wanted in adding more humans and elves to the game. I just wanted to add my vote into the mix to show there are some who disagree so all these posts are not just echo chambers.

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The dragons look stupid and honestly the human forms look just as bad, but that being said if you can stay in the human form in combat and transform while doing certain abilities then it’s just a Demon Hunter. I think the human forms should just be deleted and make the dragons actually look cool. Otherwise it’s just a great value Demon Hunter that can do the only two other specs Demon Hunter doesn’t have. Just seems stupid to me.


Cool it. Ion said they are considering it.


so they should remove astral form and boomkins should just play mages

Then why the hell are you playing the race? Talk about being petty.


They already have, it’s called “in combat”. You’re welcome, you solved your own problem…


because they take immersion seriously, right? Let’s be honest, Blizzard takes immersion as a joke and an excuse to do what they think is cool, while writing and managing the game’s lore as if it were a fanfic. Talking about immersion when they present narratives like BfA and Shadowlands is nonsense; and leaving such unique models hidden 90% of the time is a waste of work, it’s not like those models are the generic human that the worgen use.

I really doubt people are in combat 90% of their time logged in so this is probably hyperbole so I will ignore it. Blizzard not taking immersion seriously enough in the past, or blizzard having stories you disagree with recently is not a good argument for them to throw immersion to the wind in future decisions in my opinion. Two wrongs does not make a right. I still believe it would be better for the game if the restrictions stayed in place.

So, do you think people will be pressing a button every time they go out of combat or every time they enter the city to be in their humanoid/visage form?

I doubt it very much, the normal thing would be that for simple practicality they never change their form unless it is necessary for something, RP or a tronsmog contest maybe. So, unique models hidden 90% of the time, a waste of work in designing such models. :man_shrugging:

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I have to ask. Why would a race of dragonoids who have been living on a dragon isle (awake or slumbering) for 10k years even care about hiding their natural form? Why would they care at all what the mortal races think about their appearance?

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Maybe they were designed that way. I mean, why do they have a visage form at all? Neltharion created them to be the ultimate soldier. Perhaps he wanted them to be able to interact with the mortal races more easily?

Makes sense I suppose. If I were an immortal dragonoid with the power of all the flights I wouldn’t care at all about how the mortal races see/interact with me. But that’s just my own take on it.

Hopefully we’ll learn more about why Dracthyr were made to be as they are by Neltharion when we can finally play them.

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Nothing, my opinion is that they have the humanoid form for the set and the transmog, seeing that the draconic model will not have all the visible armor pieces, unlike the worgen, or so it seems.

Wouldn’t that be a good thing though? It’s honestly a shame they spent all this time on a new race that is stuck with one class.

Multiple sources say otherwise champ.

That’s the main thing I hate about worgens. I want to be human until I use a wolf form ability.

If that is added then I expect my DH toon to not have to change forms when I use meta, instead, give me crazy amounts of glowing fel flames to highlight that I activated Meta.