Dracthyr Human Forms SHOULD be usable in combat

Talk about a strawman. What is the point of Highmountain Tauren when you just want to play Tauren again? What is the point of giving Void Elves High Elf customization when all you want is to play Blood Elf again? The main point I see many commentators say is make it optional to be in either Dracthyr or humanoid visage form so those that like either can play what they want. The question that seems to be ignored is why not add options when it is clear players want them?

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Honestly? For the aimable ranged stun/movement is better then war stomp.
Really the only reason. It being tauren is just a bonus. :laughing:

And im cool with more options Iā€™m just taking a jab and more elves thing.

Are you going to ignore everything I typed past the first two sentences then?

Not ignoring they are an obvious given and as I placed in my edit Iā€™m perfectly fine with more options and was just giving a jab at once again more elf perticularly it seems blood elf forms. Lol

I personally would prefer to be allowed to choose visage based off faction of choice races.

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But why tho?

For the same arbitrary and outdated reasons Worgen have to be in Worgen form I guess.

Some players just hate having agency and choice.

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Iā€™m genuinely curious when I ask this: Have we ever seen or has there ever been a warcraft dragon in combat/fight outside of their dragon form?

I feel like Iā€™ve seen both Chromie and Kalecgos fight in their mortal form, but I couldnā€™t tell you specifically where/when.

Options options and options thatā€™s what options are all about if you like playing as a dragon from wish its fine but donā€™t act like if this choice doesnā€™t matter and let people enjoy the EVOKER class they way they enjoy tell me how seeing evoker in human form impacts you?

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Half of the nefarion fight in BWL is fighting him in human form

Heā€™s not in human form at all during the fight. We fight Dragonkin while Nefarion is flying around. Then he eventually lands and we fight him as a dragon until heā€™s dead.

Because its not always good for the uniqueness of the race when people just want to hide it away all the time for the games most played race to be on display.

We have a dragon race, let it be a dragon race and not just a dragon esque elf/human.

Wow is the only mmo to have a androgynous race so far and I want to see it prosper and the work put into shown at all times. Not in combat sure, have dragon elf,human.

Again, wow is the only mmo to have races that actually challenge the norm of overwhelming human shaped races and give us stuff that is exotic and takes a lot of work to do.

Its just madness to me that some people are fighting to hide this away forever.

Most exotic race an mmo will have to date with very specialized character specific animations.


Has there ever been a dragon aspect in-game do dragon things while in their human form? I havenā€™t seen it.

Dude, the ā€œloreā€ argument stopped being valid when we got pandaren DKs.

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The only thing I know is the current visage forms are hideous. I donā€™t want to see one ever. Why did they make these their visage form?

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Actually he is in human form. While you are fighting the dragonkin he is teleporting around casting shadowbolts and other spells, not flying in the air as a dragon.

Phase 1: Drakonids

After talking to Lord Victor Nefarius, Nefarian will become invulnerable, and start randomly casting Shadow Bolts, Fears and Mind Controls. During this, Nefarian will start calling out for different Drakonids to attack the raid.

Phase 2: Class Calls

After 42 Drakonids are killed, Nefarian will turn into Dragon form and land on the balcony where the fight is happening. Right before Nefarian lands, he will breathe a special version of Shadow Flame - This version can be resisted, but the DOT is still very much lethal. To survive this, everyone in the raid must be wearing an Onyxia Scale Cloak so the DOT is not applied to them at all.


It would be nice to give people the option. It is important. Otherwise glyphs for balance druids wouldnā€™t be a thing. (Iā€™ve seen quite a bit of players use it too. Making this very much a thing.) We need more glyphs in general.


bro, u can still play as the dragon formā€¦ i wanna use the elf formā€¦


completely agree. I was going to maybe try one until I learned theyā€™re locked into that ugly dragon form during combat. Literally whatā€™s stopping blizz from making them like demon hunters that only ā€œshapeshiftā€ for a few abilities?

you can for anything but combat

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