Dracthyr Bulkier Masculine Option "Discussion"

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Limited steroids are also a quality option.

when they offer slimmer forms for other races as well. I actually like that the Dracthyr are not grossly over characterized to proportions that seem ridiculous.

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This would literally be the perfect time to add a body type selection to character creation. Let us pick between a bulkier buff lizard boy, a svelte twinky androgynous dragon, and a more feminine dracthyr model
If we aren’t gonna get sliders, its the next best thing - especially considering the current “visage” form for males looks wildly off-kilter compared to the dracthyr model we have now. I know the Blood Elf male skeleton is pretty lithe but I think they’ve got more meat on them than the scaly form does.

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Said this in a few other threads: skinny option is good for those who want it. I’d really like a big bulky option too though. I don’t think slightly bigger is enough.


Caster race should have caster body types. Slim and petite should be the defacto standard.

Were I to have my way, the class/armor type you wear dictates how muscular you would be allowed on a 1-10 scale. Plate - 10-7 with 10 being ultra beefcake lord. Mail: 7-4. Leather: 6-4. Cloth: 3-1. Far more of an immersion break than universal threats and us being capable of slaying gods and such is seeing a mage look like he lives in a gym.

(Laughs in Kul Tiran)


All we’re asking for is a more robust Dracthyr. It has nothing to do with gender. It can be a bulky “X” this doesn’t bother anyone.

If we can please move the discussion to progress the public opinion on different shapes to the Dracthyr. For the record we also think the current version should remain “default”.

When asked about body sliders for other body types in SL: “We cannot do that.”

Later in SL: Drac’thyr with changeable muscle mass

So uh, how’s about them skinny: Kul’tirans, male Draenei, and male Tauren?


Please don’t bulk them! I like them slim and lithe!


Sounds like someone has a defined idea that casters should be ‘slim and petite’ for some reason. Wonder why that is, especially given how many ‘casters’ are ripped in WoW or end up using magic/fel to get ripped.

More customization is needed for them no matter what, and I’m not talking about the visage form. I honestly probably won’t care to play them as a result of visage form being required to use to mount and probably some other stuff.


Bulky Drac and a taurenoid form is something we need.

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Give us skinny KT while we’re at it too.

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I still have hope they will make a dracthyr that looks like that design someone altered of the black dracthyr in the illustration someone linked here. I want to play a new healer so much but not this lanky lizard…

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are these the incel forums?

I agree this would be wonderful

Because dragons lay eggs to reproduce, the bulkier models would need to be female. #biology

of course there you have the example of masculine in blood elves :joy:

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Is it a crime to not want to look like Ellen Elliot Page?