Dracthyr Bulkier Masculine Option "Discussion"

It reads simply. I would like to have a discussion about a Bulkier more Masculine “OPTION” on the Dracthyr dragon form. It seems many people support and would enjoy this.


Please participate to get this moving.

Thanks for all your time.


You have my sword.

Never forget what could have been.

Let’s be real, the existing models look like they are going through puberty. They have a gangly, skinny, elongated shape. This is a heroic adventure game. Why does a key expansion feature not have a model that feels heroic or adventurous? Why no mesomorphic build? The current Dracthyr are like the dragon version of kids picked last for kickball.


oh no, I’ve seen this futurama episode/movie!
as soon as I sign your petition you’ll start sending me spam!

but yes, I support a bulkier option.


We’re supposed to see a post with more information on what they have so far soon.

Hoping they cover the beefier options people want!


Give me raw strength and draconic might, and the sleek and perpetual motion of serpents.

Let me choose between the two.


There should be an option to have the female model bulkier than the male .

Lia Thomas is a woman and more muscular than some men


I don’t see a petition, but yes, dracthyr is half-baked since it doesn’t include the nathrezim/gargoyle rig for males, only the nathrezim/gargoyle rig for females, limiting diversity.


I see what you did there.

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I support a 100% because they don’t turn into actual Dragons and the Dragonkins of old had male and female bodies.

Don’t know what they were thinking here especially when you can transform into a male and female elf humanoid.

I really want to like this new race and class but it needs some major work on the looks and the class (turn Evoker into a trinity class).


Tina Wang already stated there is a bulkier version for Dracthyr.


you got my support! i may not really want to play a dragon that much, but if i do, i’d rather them be a big, beefy lizard, than the scrawny one they’re trying to foist on us.

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I have to say this should be an option, for all races to chose at least one other body type but I settle for this race at least.

Imagine being a Pure Muscle Kul Tiran without belly or a skinny human or a Fat Undead abomination looking or a Lich looking official playable skeleton (not with toys)!
Oh the possibilities and miss opportunities!
I hope they expand the “flesh craft” of forsaken body replacers after SL story!

Sorry got carried away, nvm I support! 1000%

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Did they not already confirm this was coming a while ago?

Though people’s definition of bulkier or masculine varies wildly here. Somebody wanted them to be the draconic hulk with arms bigger than their heads and i had to kindly remind folks that this is a race that can only be a caster.


They did.

Also, if energy goes toward allowing us to actually use armour on the draconic form, I think we could bulk it up even further.

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They just look like lizard people but I wouldn’t associate them with dragons, especially WoW dragons.

Dragons are supposed to be strong but these models make the Dracthyr look so frail lol. I understand that they’re casters but that’s not really a valid excuse. Anything that’s half dragon should be built like a freight train or at least give us the option to choose.


No one looks anything up before they post.

It has been made clear there are body types in the customization. So instead of jumping the gun why not wait to see what will actually be available?


“Slightly slimmer or slightly bulkier” isn’t what people are asking for.

Regardless of how it looks though it’s good that they’re finally adding customization for body types. Hopefully the other races get the same treatment.

What does being a caster have to do with body type? They are literally half dragon lol. The aspects breath fire so does that make them casters too? Because last time I checked they’re pretty gigantic.


We don’t know what it looks like yet. So it’s still jumping the gun. They have access to all the customizations while the people posting their PoV do not. We do not know how slim or bigger the other options are or how they look with their own specific armor. Too much repetitive complaining and not enough waiting to give feedback when we actually have access.

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Oh for sure but people have been linking those images all over the place and I certainly wouldn’t classify that as a “slightly bulkier” version. We’ll obviously have to wait and see but I feel like people will be disappointed.

It also feels weird that if they had different body types ready then why wouldn’t they show them in the reveal?


When aren’t they disappointed though?