Dracthyr Bulkier Masculine Option "Discussion"

Silverleigh is one of the people who think the model doesn’t count as female unless it has boobs I believe. In my opinion, if there’s male/female on the character creation screen, then your female Dracthyr is female regardless of whether the draconic form has breasts (which last time I checked, Alexstrasza and Ysera only have breasts in their visage forms, so why people are fixating on wanting scaly boobs is beyond me).

I love the idea of a “Dragonkin” race, but I agree that there should be a bulkier dragon body type. I am ok with them leaving the “mammal” parts off of the dragon model, since dragons aren’t mammals though.

No, Blizz can leave the "slender " option for people who want to use it, just add a bulkier option too, kind of like how human faces can be “narrow, round or wide”.

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The problem isn’t slender vs bulky. The problem is they are literally naked. Give them armor and they suddenly look very badass.


Ignoring how human models are all beefy jacked gym rats, why would a caster be all beefy and jacked?

It doesn’t make sense.

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The aspects are naked in Dragon Form, so I don’t see a problem with Dracthyr being that way in Drackthyr form.

We aren’t playing aspects, we are playing humanoids. We should be wearing armor, otherwise we are playing nudists.

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The heads are too small, the feet too big, the wings look crappy, their posture is effeminate. This looks nothing like a creature to be scared of. It looks like a costume you would see at Disney Land. 1/10 for originality.

Questionable relevance aside (since some drakes wear armor, including our new dragon riding pals!), it’s not the same when you’re a quadruped and when you’re a biped.
Biped’s bellies are exposed, which is where reptiles tend to be more vulnerable, and have less/no scales.

Then again, this shouldn’t even be a lore discussion to be had. It’s a matter of granting choice for each person to play the way they want, you don’t lose your ability to not wear armor by allowing someone else to display theirs. And no, I don’t think dragons running around with armor is more silly than pandaren (who shouldn’t need armor considering bear druids), or really any tank in the wendigo woolies

You will be as clothed as you want to be in Visage form. Does not matter much in dragon form, I see lizards all the time and they are never wearing clothes.

Then they really need the bulkier Drackthyr forms, since the scrawny ones would not strong enough to fly wearing armor and all the other gear.

I think they are fine the way they are. Well, maybe make the heads a tad bigger.

Ew that second picture is almost as bad as that horrendous drakonid with boobs pick going around.

But visage form is the shapeshift. Dragon form is the real race. If anything, dragon form should be fully armored and visage form should get the thrift store discount aisle barber shop options.

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Oh we definitely need buffer models…and more classes…and another spec…and the ability to show all the equipped gear…they need a lot of things really


I like this one.


I’m fine with the current ones, lack of mog and forced visage when mounting nonwithstanding, but this one is definetly my favorite. It’s some very subtle changes that really help accentuate the… Dragon part of the dracthyr without going nuts on steroids.

This is a fantasy game.

Sure, I support it as an option, not a change. The more options the merrier in my eyes. Personally I enjoy the lithe model better, but if it isn’t being changed and merely more would be added, that’d be great.

Yeah I like that one waaaay better than the really just… awkward and silly ‘bulky’ model people keep sharing that looks ridiculous to me personally.

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Yes to bulkier masculine version!


I would also like a bulkier option, not “slightly bulkier,” so I’ll throw my ‘vote’ in. The fact she specified both “slightly more slender” and “slightly bulkier” makes me wonder if they ran into some sort of technical difficulty with the skeletons, but the fact is, if they don’t implement this, I’m going to be asking for it anyway. Yes, an actual bulky build options please.

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