Dracthyr Bulkier Masculine Option "Discussion"

Blizzard wont allow links on the forums

Apparently they are doing this, we just haven’t seen what the bulkier dracthyr torsos look like.

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Yeh, exactly this. WoW has so many races that are muscled and huge. I am super excited to play a lean, athletic race. I saw them and my thought was “oh thank gods, finally a race with body proportions I actually like.”

They already said they will be adding options in body size, though we have no idea what that may or may not look like. I’m fine with a bulkier option for those that want it, as long as I get to keep my slim Dragonkin. :slight_smile:

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Because petitions work lol. In the history of wow not one petition has ever changed anything

Yes to the 1st one. The 2nd one looks way worse than blizz one imo. Not every race needs to be hooked up on limitless steroids


The first one isn’t bad as an option, though I do prefer the slim version of it. The only thing that really drives me nuts about the altered black version is that the membrane on the wings only covers the fingers. I’ve always prefered it when it attached to the back.

That second model with the red Dracthyr is awful though. We have enough walking fridges in this game. :frowning:

I would sign the petition if you linked it.

See people want to make it out to be about that… I think having more options about what body frame the players want can be a good thing. It means trying to appeal to a broader audience.

But my reaction from day one wasn’t about body frames like people are making it out to be. (People can have their own opinion on the matter) A subject that is ultimately up to every individual person. (Why I have always loved and promoted the idea of sliders) My reaction was: why aren’t they normal dragons like every single dragon has had in this franchise. (Think about all of them. The visage and dragon forms)

Sidenote: I started to think why did they never go the actual dragon route. Could’ve took the idea they made and customized it all to hell to make it seem even more unique. Better incentive… seem more fun. Imagine all these dragon forms that were incredibly unique from each other? Obvious reason is obvious. What if everyone doesn’t want to play the new race? So ultimately having that feature for a mount works out much better. Still what could’ve been. They did make the better choice for what should have customizing on those levels tho.

Anyways methinks they wanted to make some weird irrelevant topic unfortunately with body forms.

Would make more sense to have feminine traits given, not masculine. If something that model already has masculine traits. And about being bulky? Yea, no. We don’t need another Tauren and Orc in game.

You don’t need to be big to be masculine.

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I perceived the “old” models as: agile, swift, adroit, and nimble. The “old” form instantly brings me back to the first time I saw Velociraptors in Jurassic Park as a kid - They strike the precisely correct awe/fear inspiring emotions of an apex predator!

I very much love both the “old” and “new” forms - they have serious visual aesthetic appeal! Both forms are absolutely magnificent!

I don’t necessarily think derpthyr need a male and female option but they should have two different body type options, just like all other races. If that means a bulky one and a thin one, that’s fine by me. But a new race shouldn’t have fewer options than all older races.

I have to assume you’re joking? I can post links on the forums. All it took was being here a lot and not being awful to other people.

They have 3 torso sizes. Many different tails and neck styles. Horns. snoots. They say it’s the most customizable race they have ever made. They didn’t show much of it off but a more comprehensive look is said to be coming.

We should just wait and see.

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I would pay real money for a bulky masculine option

Using a female Worgen as the base for this race wasn’t a good idea if they were going for a gender neutral look.

Honestly I’d prefer they just make a feminine model, a masculine model, and then allow players to choose whichever independently of their visage form

But that’s just me :man_shrugging:

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They need a lot more variation in body types, at least one other dance as well. To me it’s just weird that Neltharion would ‘create’ super soldiers that… end up being smaller casters and not something closer to himself especially being a Black dragon with an affinity for the Earth.

Can guarantee that’s just their wording because of the customization between main form and visage form. It’s also pretty awful that the main form not only is essentially ‘the same’ for both selections as well as not being able to transmog many armor pieces.

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They’re not just Black Dragons, though. They’re representative of all the flights. They have said there are at least two Dracthyr form choices though, so hopefully those will satisfy everyone. Maybe they could add a super bulk one for those that want the fridge option, I dunno. So long as I can keep my lanky boy. :slight_smile:

I don’t think blizzard will listen but I support bulked up dracthyr

I’m not sure how you spell that btw pretend I spelled it right :slight_smile:

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LOL this made me laugh

“So what do you want in a dragon character?”

“Just give me the fridge”


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See forum rules, in particular:

Petition posts are frowned upon.

These are discussion forums and, as such, we ask that you hold discussions. Creating a thread to ask for replies as votes is not a discussion. Threads violating this guideline are subject to deletion.

You might want to just make it a discussion.

Hehe, it’s just a joke in my guild. It’s what we call male Draenei. The term has grown on me. I suppose in this context, we’re basically asking for beanpoles and fridges, and hoping people can choose between em. :slight_smile: