Dracthyr Bulkier Masculine Option "Discussion"

Yeah you ain’t wrong.

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Because the Orc and Tauren casters are so skinny right ??



What about a shapely feminine option?

Oh, I forgot, male is the default. Blizzard, your work here is done.

Tina Wang: You can even slightly change your torso to be like slightly more slender or slightly bulkier;

Re: https://www.wowhead.com/news/more-dracthyr-customizations-face-shape-bulkier-or-slender-torso-326793


Lmao yeah that’s my point.

Isn’t the version they showed the default which is literally the female worgen skeleton?

What is said was correct, so you got you panties in a bunch for nothing.

I have no idea but it is irrelevant when the version of the race using it is not female.

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But it’s the same model for both genders so??? If anything you should be asking for a more masculine physique option.

What are you talking about?

The Dracthyr does not have a female model, period, end of sentence.

What it’s skeleton has been used for previously in game is irrelevant.

Just like the Goblin skeleton did not make the Vulpera a Goblin.

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So if the model is the same for both male and female why is it automatically the “male model”.

It’s literally the female worgen skeleton so technically the Dracthyr doesn’t have a male model.

You just saying that they Dracthyr does not have a female model doesn’t make it true. Also who are you to decide what is a feminine model and was isn’t? lol

The Dracthyr base model is androgynous. So far, they are only getting a masculine option and in my opinion they really need a feminine one too so it’s fair.

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I think they were trying to go with an androgynous look…
However I do agree that Lizards tent to be more Sexualy Demorphic, meaning genders are very easy distinct in a lot of lizards…color, size, etc…

I think they just need to add more customization and we be good, the fact that they said they add more bulkier body as an option is a great start (IMO)

We have so many dragons to chose cosmetics from, Nether drakes, Proto-drakes, Chromatic, Twilight… the list is HUGE… where they can pick cosmetic inspiration from.


Yeah they’re full dragons. They get to be huge.

Dracthyr are a fusion of both dragon and mortal traits. They are meant to be lithe mobile casters, being a giant hulk isn’t conducive to gliding around a battlefield slinging spells.

Lean muscle is fine, they can and should have an option for broader shoulders and chest, and a little bit of extra thickness around the arms and thighs, but they shouldn’t built like strongmen. There are PLENTY of other races just like that anyway.


On my god!

I never said the current model is male. I am not even talking about the current model. THE THREAD isn’t even talking about the current model.

This is all about the petition for a (and I quote) a ‘bulkier masculine option’.

Try to keep up.

I don’t support this; anyone who doesn’t like the twink dracthyr needs to just get over it!

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“Signed” Signed

Lmao big yikes

I have the petition Blizzard doesn’t allow links on the forums because of Authoritarianism.

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Or we could have an option to choose slender or bulkier regardless of gender?


Yeah that new one as an option would be nice. Though there is a part of the community that wants thinner models, as with the Kultirans, let’s have options.

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