Dracthyr are ugly

elves aren’t ugly. PERIODT


I kind of like the drak’thyr race, unironically. I’m only disappointed in the humanoid forms. I’d love it if Blizz allowed other races for humanoid form, but don’t expect anything extra due to the additional customizations.

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The humanoid versions look like someone’s super-original, super-quirky RP characters that they created using a mod they found on DeviantArt.


Maybe not ugly but they can be seen as lame, weak, pompous, tree hugging, and more. Likewise some can say that the Dracthyr do look pretty and/or noble depending on taste, especially due to the beast race trope being very under represented in WoW currently. Many players are happy to get our first scaly race in game.

That all being said I’m all for them being able to stay in their half elf forms during regular play for the people like yourself who want to play an envoker.

Yes, totally agree. I was even on board for mechagnome. I hate I can’t change how my hands/legs look — BUT these lizards are ugly, way too skinny, narrow mouth, they look ratty and weak. Where’s a beefy strong DRAGON!!!


But what about the hawt dragon babes?

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I’m all for the concept (still not likely to play it but all power to those that do) but-

I think they should “Sonic the Hedgehog movie” this. They look pretty bad, should take them back to the drawing board and deliver something less… whatever this is.


When hasn’t Blizz copied for wow

I dislike they’re getting “spiritwalker’s grace” but better.

Class looks great but the race looks way to skinny to be dragon spawns. Just looks off putting and weird. Ill still play it ill just use toys to change the appearance. If they add in some extra customization around making them more bulk i would be pretty happy.

I want to look like a Dragon not some cosplayer. its not even just the body, i think the head itself needs to be more gendered. The male and female head looking the same just feels off, Give us actual masculine and feminine traits to pick from not just a female dragon form form.

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I agree. A bulkier optional body type as well as masculine/feminine features would make this so much better

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Fierce(ish?) on the battlefield; sexy in the city? Yes, I’ll take it. But also being an alcoholic I would play as the cubical “missing graphics blocks” if was a new class…

I think they look okay, but I do hope they add more customizations later. What we saw today seemed very bare bones.

I hope for a Dracthy sub race thats bulkier and can be traditional classes later in the expansion. I will accept this model for now but it’s not what i pictured in my mind when i first heard the leak news.

They are so ugly
Why, in this day, can blizz not hire a half decent art team
They had such an opportunity to make the drac look intense, so beautiful yet fierce
It looks like they hired fresh junior designers without any passion to draft these designs very disappointing, won’t be playing one of these ugly things


Something tells me the folks who designed these nightmare Second Life dragon furry convention mods, including their creative director who approved it, will immediately take any criticism as personal attacks, proper competent and professional creative people aren’t behind these, you won’t see any positive changes happening here.

$10 says they double down after receiving criticism, this is a different Blizzard. Man, has Blizzard ever really gotten criticism for visuals? This is a first for me. Wonder what happened.

Remember, the team behind these had years to look at this and thought it was the Bees knees, years. 8 or so hours a day, 5 days a week, years.

You’re incapable of competent creative growth if you spend such a long time looking at this and think it’s great, this applies to the creative director more so than the artists involved in this incident.


maybe it would be like how you cannot use certain skills if you dont have the right weapon out or a pet out. You gotta transform to use fire breath and flight based abilities

They won’t change it and why would they. Some people think they are ugly. Some people think they are cool. You can’t please everyone.


hell yeah brother, fight the power

Ugly lizzards exist, so what.