Dracthyr are ugly

So is there no difference between male and female dragon forms?

It’s still way better than FF14’s Dragon people.


Their proportions don’t look like WoW’s signature stylization at all. The limbs and body are pretty much the same consistent thickness throughout like some weird sausage humanoid.
Also their heads are tiny.

It’s so bland that it looks purposefully off-putting, sort of like the Beast in the live action Beauty and the Beast. Going from a instantly recognizable character to an indistinguishable hairy person.

Knowing Blizz though they’ll either wreck it out of spite like they did for worgen or not touch it at all like the WoD player redesigns.


Its only the first look…remember worgen in the preview cinimatic and release.

Went from looking cool to female worgen being hidious Chihuahuas for years.

Best hope what you see is what you get otherwise they could look worse O_o;


What terrible taste you have

The humanoid forms look like some crappy fan edit, lol.


Nothing new it happens every time they add a new race and class. It’s to be expected. The question is will there be a pre-release event like they did with DemonHunter?

Those are just sample renderings. Try watching the entire reveal video and listening. You will be able to customize your skin so until testing happens you have no clue what the end product will look like.

I hope Blizzard doubles down on making the Dracthyr look “ugly” just to punish the community for asking for more Elf races.


I just don’t agree. Personally bored with elves and humans though.

Not everything in video games have to be beautiful-- especially when those beautiful things often look very homogenous.


Thread #412 of Dracthyr.

That’s your opinion man, but do we need 412 different threads about this? Lol.

Wrathion looks human to me.

Dragons? you mean those playable lizards we’re getting as a playable race that’s been reskinned on top of a arrakoa skeleton?

Because if you tell people we get playable dragons, that’s definitely not what people would expect.

Do some googling, go on reddit, there are TONS of AMAZING bipedal dragon like designs, the ones we’re getting look like they’ve been released from a shelter or something and to be honest…they all look female to me.


I think the simplest way to improve this new race class combo is to add some more masculine appearances because what we have right now are very feminine. There’s nothing wrong with feminine appearances it’s just that there needs to be more options.


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They are Dragons not barbie dolls, they must to be monsters.
As a said last night to others like you, there are plenty of pretty playable races already, go there and pick one. Stop being selfish, they will not make the game exclusive for your taste.


Dracthyr have the potential to look cool but right now I have to say their Drakonid counterparts look way cooler.


ew of course a kul tiran would be saying this

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Yeah… they need some work

You do realize that you’re judging something that is pre alpha at best.

I highly doubt what we see is the final form. And if it is the expansion is going to be a disaster.

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