Dracthyr are ugly

I hope they will have an option to remain in their humanoid form cuz their dragon form is kinda ugly. no thank u

edit: for all individuals who think they’re snarky and quirky whose arguments are always “DoN’t LiKe? dOn’T pLaY iT” - lmao, i literally won’t it’s so ugly, but what does suck is that this ugliness is tied to a NEW CLASS that is supposed to be the biggest feature of the new expansion. clearly blizzard likes limiting choices even though so much of the fanbase have been requesting an uplift on class restriction to races for quite awhile now and we get this?

of course there’s gonna be complaints/opinions like mine, especially after going two whole expansions with hardly anything new but dumb systems like covenants and azerite powers.

p.s no I didn’t care for worgens when they came out so i didn’t play them and that was totally fine because there were other options to play the classes they could be

also, elves aren’t ugly PERIODT. so don’t even try that demon hunter argument that only elves can be dh’s


I love them. I always wanted to be a stupid, incompetent, and disappointing minion. Maloriak is my hero.


The Dragons are Spectacular. great visual design.


I think they could use some work. They are alright they just look unpolished to me.

And the human forms from what I have seen, look kinda photoshopped to me. But very cool concept.


They are weird and awkward. I don’t know how to feel about them yet. I mean it’s what you get when you mush a dragon into a humanoid form, right? I hope there’s options for neck length. I feel like that’s throwing me off. Still they look great in some of their combat animations, so I don’t know.


The lizard people expansion


Just here to say I am super excited for a new healer spec if I get to play in the humanoid form. If I have to be a lizard person the whole time playing content I’ll stick with the priest…
PS so it’s confirmed that it will be Drakthyr form in combat, and well I am going to learn to love it. I really hope they do cool things with the Drakthyr armor that you get to change in the barber shop (I believe I read that somewhere). Just can we please shorten the neck a wee bit lol =P


Maybe if they actually looked like dragons. Bipedal humanoid “dragon” form sucks


opinion. just like my opinion is that that is a good design choice for a character model that will be used in dungeons raid and pvp.


I keep looking at the visuals we were given, and I think that’s my overall gripe right now. The textures seem a little low, but that could be because we’re so early in development. The overall body dimensions seem weird, but I’m sure that’s something that they’ll work on

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Maybe they think the same of you. Don’t like it don’t play as one. Otherwise stop crying.


The important thing to remember is that if we don’t make it heard that these Dracthyr are landing flat and don’t look right, then Blizz will take the easy way out and do nothing. So we have to be loud about it.


I really hope so. I don’t think most people are being unfair in their feedback. I try and be positive about things, especially when it comes to the work of artists, but even I’m finding it difficult with these.

Actually it’s kind of reminding me of the original design of Sonic the Hedgehog. That feedback was definitely heard.


Are you saying this while posting on a Classic human toon? :billed_cap:


then dont play them lol.

smooth brain over here


most of you dislike it cause “furry” we get it


i mean a handful of you dont like the design isint going to get blizzard to change it and it seems from what im reading many people like it as is.

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And from what I’m seeing most people think they’re off and need improvements. I guess we both see what we want to see, huh?


They won’t, because some of their abilities have them flying during combat.

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Actually … I kinda like the designs. Depending on what the class can do … I might actually be tempted to play something other than my DH.

The only drawback is, this will be FOTM-class on steroids. Might have to call it, World of Dragoncraft.