Dracthyr are ugly

The general consensus across the forums is the “chicken dragon form” looks bad. I cant understand how blizzard can have gone down this line of design. It is obvious that if you add something as fundamental as a dragon class people are going to want an actual dragon from. Simply down scale it. Next we will find out these classes don’t have a dragon flight form for travel as well.


“If you don’t like it don’t play it” is the advice people have been spewing for nigh on a decade now in Blizzard’s defense, and it’s the reason this game is down 11 million players at least.


I’m fine with it, but then again, I’m biased towards dragons. I even like them in WoW despite the fact that their design is just… so, so hideous all around.

Turbo underbite and a scraggly beard to ruin all beards forever…? Shoulda just stuck with the WC3 Design

because its true? if you dont like something dont play it. forcing an artistic vision to change to fit your likes is pretty stupid in the long run


Are people just trolling when they say the humanoid forms look good? They look absolutely horrible, there’s no redeeming features to it. At least aside from the dragon form being a gangly skink of a lizard it could be customized to look nice, the humanoid visages take away both the fun of picking your mortal form and also look hideous.


No, if you don’t like something you do what you can to change it and if that doesn’t work then you stop playing. That’s how feedback works. That’s how this works.


You’re one of those ‘keep Worgen in human form’ people, aint ya?


“Hey guys i spent al on time making this sweet 3d model you can all play it if you like”
“Nah its ugly change it to fit my needs”
“Everyone else likes it”
“nah dosent fit my taste change it”

once again. stupid argument


“Hey guys i spent al on time making this sweet 3d model you can all play it if you like”
“Nah it’s ugly change it so it doesn’t make me throw up.”
“Everyone else-”
“No, we don’t like it either.”

We can do this song and dance all day, I’ve got nothing better to do.


OP, I have to agree with you. Their form is kind of ugly.


Given that this is GD it’s hard to say.

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I mean your wrong but thats cool.

most of us seem to be okay with it. its you small few who seem to hink everyone hates it

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Yeah the Dragon forms look much better


Cool it with the transphobia ok

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Like I’ve said before, you’re wrong and it’s the other way around. Most people think it looks bad and needs changes for a class-locked race with a race-locked class, and you and a few others without standards think it’s just perfectly dandy.


This is the first time I was genuinely underwhelmed in a race/class in WoW. It actually made me a little sad not to be hyped about an upcoming expansion. This trailer was the first time I didn’t feel… anything towards the game.

May we be as lucky in our outcome as that film! Especially since the rework was so well received


read the forums most people are fine with it. its a very select few who dont like it. your standards arnt the golden standard for anything lol. as i said you dont like it dont play it. its really just that simple. artistic design shouldn’t be forced to be changed to fit your likes.

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I have been reading the forums and you and about three other people think it’s fine. Everyone else thinks it’s trash. My standards are impeccable and it comes with actually having a taste for aesthetics. The artistic design should change because the current state is gross and disgusting to look at.


Ah i get it then. your a spoiled individual that expects to be catered to. no wonder you think it should be changed to fit your taste.


And you’re an individual that thinks this little snarky attitude is going to convince me otherwise. You’re wrong, I’m right, that’s how it’s going to be.