I think they will be like worgan’s true form during combat and flight
What makes you think these will perform any different than Worgen?
What I see are constant complaints.
Pandaren/Worgen/Vulpera are fine. They look authentic to Azeroth.
Drakthyr look straight out of Fur Affinity. They look like someones very unique OC (“do not steal”).
I just put a post up about the same issue. They need to ether change this or give us glyphs to make the combat form a small model of an actual dragon!
Don’t like the way they look? Don’t play them. Lots of other classes to play.
People who didn’t like Worgans didn’t play them. People who didn’t like Taurans didn’t play them. Same diff.
So tired of the whining.
i too wish for a glyph to keep me in perma human form unless i do a blatant dragon ability like fire breath.
that logic doesn’t work when the only way to play the new class is tied to that race. its not like worgen had an exclusive class others didnt.
Easy to say when most classes aren’t locked to ONE RACE.
that means the new class will be op af…lol.
Worgans don’t get that. So don’t count on it.
Druids have to shapeshift too.
I think it’s fine to give feedback. It doesn’t hurt to give the playerbase more choice. Appeal to the maximum amount of people with a simple toggle.
well the drakthyr are prettier than classic dwarves…
Generally speaking thers nothing really wrong with them outside of your own personal taste which shouldnt dictate at all what blizzard should and shouldnt do with there race lol
They are already designing unique art assets for the mortal form. What’s the harm with creating a simple toggle to boost the appeal and allow more people to feel comfortable playing the class?
I hope we can stay in humanoid form as well and that we can choose what race similar to how Chromie is a Gnome.
I agree that the dragon form looks a bit janky and cheap in the preview.
And your personal taste shouldn’t dictate that they remain the abominations that they are. We can do this dance all day, I’m just going to shout about it until Blizzard either does something or says they won’t do anything.
Its not my own personal taste. if it was my tastes they wouldnt be in wow. but as far as they currently go tehre fine. they most likely wont be changed and if they are its going to be sometime down the road after this expansion is over like they did with worgen. if you dont like it dont play it
and your more than welcomed to shout it. but your not going to get your way. the wow player base very rarely does and when it they do its years down the road after there not relevant any more
Yeah. Betting this is the case.
Gonna be like worgen - you’ll have a button to switch forms out of combat but in combat?
You’re a dragon thing.
Sure the humanoid forms are great:
But nothing ugly about the dragon form:
They look REALLY REALLY bad and off.
Like not from an eww furry standpoint or ewww scally whatever. From like a design viewpoint they look really really REALLY weird.