Dracthyr are effeminate lizards with no transmog options and grafted bodies in visage form. AM NOT TROLLING!

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Oh no they are multiplying.

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clonin machine on the fritz it seems.


How are androgynous lizards effeminate?


I have to agree, I think the Dracthyr have been… kind of a failure. A poor execution on what seemed a very cool idea.

I think there’s still space to salvage them, but only if Blizzard was willing to actually put in the effort, and really listen to players. I mean, we were giving them feedback from the moment they were revealed, and yet they completely ignored it. It does lead to a feeling of the devs feeling totally disconnected from players, and seemingly not caring about it anyways.


Huh, an effeminate lizard with no transmog options and lame tattoos complaining about Dracthyr.

Hmmm. :thinking:

Aren’t you like almost a year late with this complaint?


What’s wrong with being effeminate?

Dans un jeu avec des pandas des gnomes des vulperas etc. Je vois pas le drame.

Comme je dit ça chialais autant, sinon plus sur les Blood Elf a la sortie de BC et Blizz les ont jamais changé.

Si t’aime pas, t’aime pas. Ces pas plus grave que sa.

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Man I wish XD.


I don’t see why people are clutching their pearls about drag and criminalizing what clothes people wear.

Land of the free my fabulous feathered booty.

I can see it now. The po are going to show up with paddywagons to arrest all the people not wearing gender appropriate clothes.

It’s going to be stonewall riots all over again.

Of course I would.

Elf-type face on a human body kind of does more for me than real actual elves. I have other reasons to not play them though, I don’t like how shoulders and belt get rando transcribed and either don’t match your dragon armor or look even sillier on your naked dragon self. Sure you can hide shoulders/belt but then you look bad in visage. There is no winning in that situation.

When the Dracthyr are transmogged with the head piece armor they remind me of Thulsa Doom in Snake form.


i think the 2 big draw backs are

  1. no transmogs. every evoke looks the same rainbow lizards
  2. they were made as a mail class.

add them together and it makes them look like a race the devs made so people would stop asking for mail to be deleted (you know, the “make hunters leather and sharmen plate”).

its like the devs are saying “lookie here. a new race. caz its also a mail wearing class we cant remove mail now, even tho it should of been and would of been the smartest move. but we are blizzard, we do the most stupid and lazy thing all the time!!”

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I don’t think you are trolling, I just think you are very wrong

This kind of Threads are getting exhausting.

If you don’t like Dracthyr just don’t play one. It’s as easy.

I like my Dracthyr how she is I’m fine with that.

I like dragons. I like transmog. I would like to feel the same satisfaction with the transmog system when playing as a dragon that I would with any other race.

lol effeminate as a diss is adorable


We are!
