Dracthyr are effeminate lizards with no transmog options and grafted bodies in visage form. AM NOT TROLLING!

Think about how much more popular Dracthyr would be if you could choose any race for the visage form, choose between Dracthyr and Drakonid form, and see your equipped armor.

imagine using the word effiminate as an insult in 2023

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Imagine the backwards thinking you’d have to possess to think it’s not. Just because the date changes doesn’t mean it changes anything else.


your not wrong.

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Imagine using imagine and current year in a comment in 2023 hahaha
also effeminate is a valid description in this case as they do look this way. maybe dye your hair a normal colour and take out that septum piercing. its ruining your potential.

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My only gripe is that I cannot wield Polearms.

“Gabiru! Gabiru! Gabiru!”

Blizzard needs to commit to the BT system they’ve set up and go harder and more extreme in various directions. Broad, muscular, lean, shapely, and perhaps even with mammalian bosoms in one or two BTs. Just go ham with it. Then other races need those options as well.

They’ve got something in place, I wish they’d capitalize on it.

Shhh! The Rainbow Coalition Party+ is listening. I have the answers you seek! Meet me in Dalaran at the Khadgar’s Tea Room and use password: Budweiser Sucks! :rainbow:

Augmentation should, at the very least.

Boo! Did I scare ya?

the fish from mario?