Dracthyr are a clever allegory for being trans and I am HERE for it


bottom surgery usually

The fact that you bring up bottom surgery instead of HRT, ya know, the thing that actually causes significant bodily changes makes me think someone isn’t being sincere. Stop using trans people as forum bait you disgusting person.


sometimes its very tough to talk to people when they too busy holding up a mirror and dont even see you.
the one sided convo in this thread is strong, which makes me sad because it gives a bad name to their certain life choices over and over and over again


Or just stopped using obvious names ?


You can make up whatever nonsense reality you want. You can even live it. I don’t care. In fact im glad for you.

But when you demand that I take part in your fantasy we’ve got a problem.


No one is demanding you take part in what happens in their pants. The only thing people demand is you call them by what they say they are. That literally impacts you 0% champ.


Sure, whatever.


Hard no.

You don’t get to demand anything from me.


Something can be coded for the queer community while still being enjoyable for everyone.

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I hate moose form, therefore my male Highmountain Tauren druids use doe form. Does that make them virtually trans?

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No, just other aspects of life. Such as sterilizing our laguage for body type 1 or body type 2. And you know I have seen quite a few topics around about how “You are phobic if you won’t date…” So the pants thing is even up in the air for now.


Ok so if you are a dude, and we start just calling you a woman you don’t get to demand we change it, and the same if opposite. Or we can call you dude and you don’t get to demand we call you anything different either.

If you get to deny others be called what they want, you don’t get to be called what you want. You get out what you give bud.


It was obvious from the start. The visage looks trans. The heroism animation is a rainbow color. The Dracthyr are indistinguishable between male/female.

I dont like the look of the visage. The Dragon model isnt beefy enough for my tastes - looks more like a lizard.

The run animation is more like a prance - but I also dont like any of the run animations for most of the races - they are way to bouncy.


That is opinion however, not fact. I felt it was coded for people who like Draconic Lore in WoW. There is such a thing as two different views both being correct. You know this yes?

We need more balance in the force. We also need a lot more compassion from certain people. People really should take a few moments to remember that there is another human being behind the keyboard.

Because that is the case, making statements such as “If you guys don’t like it then don’t play the game!” is not acceptable under any circumstance. I don’t care if it came from a former author affiliated with Blizzard, or a player, or even Bobo the Wonder Orc. It is not acceptable in any case.

The game is and was created for everyone.

This game was not created for teenagers in High School that listened to Soundgarden circa 1990s. Not for people born in 2010 and who are coming into their own adulthood now, it is not even for the elderly, trans, straight, or any other specific demographic.

No guys. WoW is a huge tent for everyone to enjoy themselves in.

It is a place that we can all thankfully, and should set aside the foolishness that divides people in the real world. Do you know why I say this? Well partly because our Creative Director / the Writer of the lore said, “These things do not exist in Azeroth”. In short, there is just love. No labelling for it. Just people free to be themselves.

That is what the real world needs to aspire to. So in this sense? We should be happy. Azeroth is a place where such things do not exist, and such biases (if they ever existed) are things of the past!

Warcraft and Azeroth is the thing that unites us all. Be happy for that.

So instead of making hateful and bigotted statements like “This class is coded for me!” How about you just celebrate the players who are having fun? That is why I congratulated the OP, and restate that an emotional connection to one’s avatar is an amazing thing.

No one’s experience is less important than the next persons. Threads like this attempt to make it about one’s self.

World of Warcraft however belongs to everyone.


Uh ? Looks elvish to me.

How does one even “Looks trans” to begin with ?


Sure. Idgaf because my self worth isn’t dependent on other peoples opinions.


Interpret how you like!!!

Where did I claim otherwise?

I don’t see it, but hey if you do. More power to you. Does not bother me what your views are on the race and class. have fun.

Right there. You presumed it was coded for a specific community. I simply disagree. I believe it was coded for all players of Warcraft, though I am very happy that you felt validation. That tells me it was good story telling if it appealed to my desire for draconic fantasy and your real world needs.


It’s called Headcanon for a reason.

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