Dracthyr And Blizzard’s “New Philosophy”

Imo they should have made evoker tank or healer spec only and forced new tank and healer players into the game tbh

I honestly wouldn’t mind if they used the Dracthyr as a gateway race towards another Dragon-race down along the road in the expansion, especially depending how they did it - It could really prove to be a fun cool feature to look forward towards.

This dracthyr tank thing is out of control. Even if Blizzard themselves agreed, that’s a huge chunk of development time and money to implement a third spec from the ground up. It’s not feasible, or do you people think that stuff like this is just summoned from Ion’s turgid butthole?

You understand that when Ion says ‘play the game the way you want to play’ he’s specifically referring to content right? Do the content you want to do, etc etc. So if you want to PvP, you should be able to just do PvP. Mythic+ your jam? That’s an option. Want to focus on crafting and gathering? You can do that, etc, etc.

That philosophy doesn’t extent to classes available to various races, spec design, or anything like that.

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I mean what mythology, lore, or pop culture context are we thinking about dragons in?

European dragons are the clawing, biting, and fire breathing types.

Asian dragons are known more to bring about terrible storms and floods.

D&D dragons do the same as European Dragons, but they are also known to be powerful spellcasters that often take the form of the humanoid races. Which I imagine is more of what WoW dragons are based on, so a Dragnoid that doesn’t have the size or mass of an actual dragon thus relying on their magic more than anything makes a lot of sense.

For the class, Evoker, I totally agree.

For the race, Dracthyr, I understand the complaints.

The forums are 10% of the players of youre lucky

Blizzard: “Behold, you guys. Our New Philosophy.”

It’s not, no one is complaining that Evoker is a healer/ranged DPS. But you presented to classes. The issue is if you want to play the race Dracthyr, you’re stuck only playing a healer/ranged DPS.

True, but I’m assuming since it seems to be the first or second question asked by every content creator doing interviews, and that I’ve seen it discussed in chat in game, that it’s a large portion of the community.

  1. Choosing your race and class is content.
  2. Ion and Others have also used the phrase referring to the expanded customizations and opening up classes to new races.
  3. Just recently, Brian Holinka invoked it when talking about the rogue, priest, and mage being opened for all races (oh except Dracthyr.)

I also just want to add this point: I understand that Dracthyr may get other classes later, but if it’s after this expansion, then I find the whole lore reasons suspect. Sounds more like a gimmick to get you playing the dragon races and buy the next expansion so you will finally be able to “play how you want.”

I dont think blizzard wants to try to balance any more tanks or have to create instances around new unique mitigation styles tbo

This is True, but I think the frustrating aspect is how they didn’t see this over the last two years they’ve been working on this, and if they did, that just reflects their lack of interest in the community’s opinion.

No, we think if you introduce a new race, providing them access to existing classes can help avoid this problem, Like they did with BE, Draenei, Worgan, Goblins, Pandas and all the allied races.

Also, How come the teams that designed Monk and DK were able to bring 3 specs like all the classic classes, but this new team thinks it’s perfectly ok to stick with 2.

The idea that it’s too much work for game developers, to develop game content for players who are paying for them to develop game content, seems suspect.

Well obviously, but the point is, they didn’t have to restrict it to that, especially since it’s the only class for the new race. They could have done a 4 spec evoker and covered everyone or a separate melee class instead of making the biggest new feature of the expansion DOA for melee and tank mains.

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If this is the case, then I think “Blizzard” or the Dev’s that feel this way should probably move on and let someone else come in.

This is literally what we as players are paying them to do. No one would ever make this argument if Starbucks employees suddenly decided they were tired of making different types of Latte’s.

Classic wow team “Challenge accepted.”
New wow team “Balancing the classes and dungeons we design is hard”

Also, this wouldn’t be an issue if they just let Dracthyr be other classes. In this case there would be no new balancing needed.

Being that it is WoW, all of them. No one is saying that having a castor option for the new class is bad. I welcome a new ranged DPS class, and a new Healing class.

But even the Chinese dragons have claws and scales. I genuinely don’t believe anyone being honest would not imagine dragons or dragon aspect like creatures that didn’t engage in some form of melee.

I get what you are saying
but tanks and healers are generally harder to balance so they all can perform good
dps, there are so many they can just throw agaisnt a wall, some will do better than others but there is so many choices it matters less

That’s different than Starbucks customers demanding the company offer specific drinks that aren’t on the menu.

You can have any of the available drinks the way you like, but you’re not necessarily getting your specific new Alabama espresso with Irish goat’s milk and Croatian honey drink just because you want it.

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Not really. Mistweaver can function at range, but the current setup requires them to be able to use their melee abilities. For the purposes of some raid abilities, mistweavers do also have the melee flag for abilities that prefer to target ranged.

where’s my mantid blizzard? where’s my pandaren demon-hunters and druids? my goblin monks? my orc and draenei demon-hunters?

where’s the manly, beefed-up to heck, dragon-warriors blizzard? where’s actual body options for our races? where’s my goblin-height pandaren? where’s the other race-options for the dracthyr’s visage form blizz??

…i’ll stop now. you get where i’m goin with this.