DPS tier list ranking for raids out

Just googled it and it doesn’t exist, you must be the only one that uses it.

Guess I should copyright it then. I’m an innovator it seems.

It’s not always about dps, where’s my class utility tier list too?

Also, lol @ no dps in S tier.

Everyone is bad!

That seems to be the case, yes.

For 99% of the people who are going to complain about it …it doesnt matter.

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Ok but what about for real content? Raid is cringe and irrelevant

The list takes into account utility which is why some classes are higher than their dps would imply, I think enhance shaman was one of em cause it brings totems and lust.

Obviously Warrior is S tier we are just allowing you to go ahead :sunglasses:

Its an exceedingly common turn of phrase

Wrath beta, thats it.

Ret is kind of a sleeper always. I have played Ret on and off since BC, and while I have never really pushed competitive raiding, I have done a fair amount of pvp and M+ as Ret. I have never felt like I couldn’t compete, and even right now I smash meters both in overall and current fight. I think the bigger issue is that there is this idea that Ret is either trash, or is only a burst monster. In reality Ret has a very robust damage profile when their kit is utilized properly. We may never be a Havoc DH or Outlaw Rogue, but we are significantly better in all content areas than we have ever been given credit for or rated in tier lists. Ret is very easy to play out of the box and just do okay with, but as with pretty much every spec, if you really learn how to squeeze every ounce out of Ret it slaps. I would put Ret in minimum B to low A based off my own play. (But please Blizz, some love would be nice, Ret mains have feelings too.)

There are only, like, 5 specs that are topping the meters. The rest are trash.

Yep looks balanced to me.

I think every class that has 3 DPS specs should have at least one in A tier IMO. Hunter should have at least one spec there, and warrior should have at least 1 spec in B tier.

Those are the only balance changes I would make personally.

I feel like lists like this mislead the community.

these are tier list for people doing very very good parses.

if you’re parse is even 5% off of theirs you are much better off playing the class that fits your playstyle and your rhythm.

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For guilds that push to get aotc by the mid-end of the season (ie most of them), these lists are meaningless - to get the best parses you need the quickest kills, and a higher % of the fight under lust/cooldowns.

Most aotc guilds will have loads of gear levels and skill levels in the group, and may well have a great mm hunter outdps the average demon hunter. This is as it should be.

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WOTLK pre-patch Ret Paladins were gods among mortals. It was honestly broken how powerful they were.

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Sounds like bull crap

I’m a fury warrior and I was roughly number five in the raid on every fight in a group with 22 people

And then keystones I’m usually number one or two

They should’ve given us at least a B

Yup, WoTLK prepatch up to the first class balance patch I think they—along with DK’s—were unstoppable. Similarly, I remember them also being pretty strong in TBC prepatch/first patch (especially if you were able to drive yourself to grind out Thunder ASAP). Later on I recall Pali being nightmares in 2’s arena…but if I remember correctly that was I think one ret and one holy pali? Or maybe it was one holy and one prot?

Anyway, they were also monsters early on in Vanilla WoW before they nerfed Reckoning and capped how many stacks you could load up.

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Yeah, considering you can just look at warcraft logs and look at the current rankings based upon live parses.

Rabbit poop in C - which came from the big squeeze of getting most/all into B.